سیری در آثار مورخ برجستۀ انقلاب مشروطه ایران، دکتر فریدون آدمیت
مشروطیت برای نخستین بار آگاهی ایرانیان نسبت به حقوق لاینفک انسانی، سیاسی و اجتماعی شان را به منصه ظهور حافظه ی ملی رساند و نهال آن را در ذهن و فکر اجتماعی ملت کاشت و زان پس دایماً در بستر تحولات زمانه آبیاری و تنومندش کرد. با استقرار و تداوم حکومت های مشروطه بین سال های ١٢٨٦ تا ١٢٩٩ و سپس جلوۀ درخشان آن در دوره حکومت دو سال و اندی دکتر مصدق، مردم ایران این گنجینۀ گرانبها را در حافظۀ تاریخی خود، یعنی در جایی امن و به دوراز دسترس عُمال و داروغه های شاهنشاهان و حزب اللهی ها و بسیجی های ملایان، گرامی داشته اند. اما چه کسانی پرچمدار ملازمت و توسعه بخشی این گنجینه تاریخی بوده اند؟ کدامین روشنفکران، متفکران و نویسندگان این گنجینه را از گزند حوادث و ویرانگری نظرات گذرا و متعصبانه حفظ کرده اند و همچنان در ذهن ما درخشنده اش داشته اند؟
Exclusive photos of Norooz at Pasargad
by BM
نوروز شادی های بی آداب و ترتيب
تجربهء هفت هزار ساله به ما می گويد که اگر نوروز يک عيد و جشن مذهبی بود در همان نخستين خم کوچهء تاريخ از ميان رفته بود. اما نوروز، تنومند و با شکوه و زيبا ـ تکيه زده بر عصای ستبر جداسری (جدائی از ايدئولوژی و مذهب) ـ از راه بندان همهء مذاهب رد شده است تا امروز نيز در مقابل اين پهلوان پنبهء خرافات زدهء حکومت اسلامی بايستد و بگذارد تا نوکران حکومت شان تملق اش را بگويند، تاريخ و هويتش را معوج بازگويند و در لحظهء تحويل سال بسوی «عرش الهی» شان دست بگشايند و، در عيدی ايرانی، به زبان عربی التماس کنند که: «يا مقلب القلوب و الابصار...»
Iranian Cultural and Natural Heritage Year
According to the World Encyclopedia, cultural genocide is a term used to describe the deliberate destruction of the cultural heritage of a people or nation for political or military reasons. Since coming to power twenty-nine years ago, the Islamic Republic of Iran has been in a constant battle with the Iranian people as well as her culture and heritage. Over its life span, the Islamic Republic zealots have tried innumerable times to cleanse the pre-Islamic Persian heritage in the name of Islam. First, they declared war against the Persian New Year or “Nowruz”, and then, they attacked other Persian traditions and customs
Showing the human side of the Persian Empire through our art
legofish >>>
U.S. federal court threatens Iranian-American heritage
by Arash Hadjialiloo
Tempers between the United States and Iran have flared over Iran’s nuclear program and its alleged intervention in Iraq and Afghanistan. Many have wondered if the two countries would ever find common ground. However, several controversial rulings in the United States federal court have resulted in just that: the United States’ Justice and State Departments have momentarily put aside their differences with Iran in order to protect several thousand Iranian cultural artifacts. The current situation that has Iran and the United States temporarily burying the hatchet is a delicate and controversial issue
Photo essay: 1960's magazine clippings
Darius Kadivar >>>
Destroying Iranian -- and world -- heritage
Some could claim that the building of Sivand dam in the Iranian province of Fars is necessary and has nothing to do with destroying Iran's history and pre-Islamic monuments. Many others, however, including 47 organizations in Iran itself, the UNESCO and many scholars and Iranians citizens claim otherwise. The building of this dam in the Pasargad plains can cause irreversible damage to the most valuable treasures and historical monuments in Iran. The Islamic Republic of Iran has embarked on the final stages of a dam construction in the south of Iran
When "great" scholars play a deadly role
Most of the key players of the 1953 coup have since died, but Ann (Nancy) Lambton is still living in the English countryside. Although she is now very old, she has never publicly acknowledged her role in the 1953 coup. Maybe she is just too ashamed. Ann played a decisive role in the affair. She was the expert and the foreign analyst who advised the British government, worked in high circles and recommended that no compromise with Mossadegh was to take place under any circumstances. She saw Mossadegh as a danger! Yes, indeed he was dangerous to their plans of bloody greed and power.
1972 Iranian oil company magazine
Darius Kadivar >>>
1955 Iranian army magazine
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