Photo essay: Iranian rights activists from around the world gather in San Jose, California
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Restrained but powerfully articulated anger at Iran Human Rights seminar
Everyone at the recent Iran Human Rights Seminar in San Jose got a copy of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). During the presentations there was much discussion of religion, and it is possible to review the event by comparing the UDHR to a much older declaration in the Bible. There are ten commandments in the laws of Moses, and three times as many in the UDHR. The first four laws that came down from the mountain aren't at all about how humans should treat each other; rather they establish the authority of the lawgiver: 1. I'm God, 2. Don't worship anything else, 3. Respect my name, 4. Every seventh day is "God day."
A short story about politics and other poisonous things
Well, let me tell you about myself, my name in BO and for some unpleasant reasons some call me BOA, mistaking me for a reptile, but I see that as an insult, so hopefully no one in this audience will fathom throwing this at me again, or there will be consequences, as there are penalties for defamation, and I am sure you agree with me that stigmatizing a person with snake-like identity is rather slanderous, no matter what the justification. I want to preempt the question that is on the mind of so many people about my special powers and what it means to use or it to live with it, knowing that it can be abusive or, at the least, engrossing or, perhaps a better word is, absorbing or even obsessive
تکه تکه شدن اموال شاملو در برابر چشمان دیگران
همین چند وقت پیش بود که فیلمی از خانه بامداد تهیه شده بود و وسایل و یادگارهای احمد شاملو را در آن فیلم دیدیم و آیدا از عشق برایمان حرف زد و من از دیروز که خبر حراج وسایل و چوب سیگار شاملو و پیراهن و لباس تنش را خوانده ام از شدت کلافگی و خشم مثل مار به خودم می پیچم. شما را نمی دانم ولی خواندن این خبر برایم دردناک تر از خواندن خبر شکستن سنگ قبر شاملو توسط اراذل و اوباش بود و باز دردناک تر از قطع کردن پایش. آدمیزاد از نزدیکانش بیشتر خنجر می خورد تا از دشمنانش، چون می داند که دشمنانش کی هستند؛ آدمیزاد از دشمنش توقعی ندارد اما از اطرافیان و نزدیکان توقعی اندکی شرف و انسانیت و مدارا دارد.
Neo-Con conference pushes for war on Iran
On the first weekend of May 2008, Berlin was host to two extraordinary conferences. On the one hand, a crowd of altogether 1,600 predominantly young people from all over Europe met at the Humboldt University in order to discuss and reflect the turbulent, globally unfolding events of 1968. On the other, not far away, about 400 participants gathered at the classier, guarded »Auditorium Friedrichstrasse« under the theme of “Business as usual? The Iranian regime, the holy war against Israel and the West and the German reaction,“ organized by the recently created »Mideast Freedom Forum Berlin (MFFB)«
Photo essay: San Francisco through the Iranian lens
by Four Photographers
Women-only parks in Tehran
Congratulations to Iranian women for achieving another milestone, the official inauguration of the first women-only park in Tehran, called Mothers' Paradise Park. Many Westerners might not know that women in Iran have been going to parks for centuries, however in the old days it was called bagh (garden), a place where they would go to have a good time (hal kardan). But, in recent history the word "bagh" has been changed to "park", which originally is an Arabic word pronounced "bark", which means the outer covering of woody stems and roots of trees and shrubs. In another word, it meant a landscaped place where people went to let their donkeys roam freely while they relaxed in the shades
Legal dance on Persepolis artifacts continues
by Arash Hadjialiloo
For the past few months, the legal proceedings surrounding the sale of Persian artifacts on loan to American museums and universities had remained mostly dormant. That is, until, revelations occurred on three separate fronts of the issue. In the case of the Northern Illinois case Rubin et al. v IRI, two very separate developments have occurred. On March 29, new plaintiffs emerged seeking the clay tablets from Persepolis which are already targeted by the victims of a 1997 Jerusalem attack, Rubin et al. these additional plaintiffs want to lay claim to the artifacts so as to sell them and receive payment for a $2.7 billion decision in their favor
Poland commemorates her refugees in Iran
The Polish Postal Service has commemorated the role Isfahan played during World War 2 in caring for Polish orphans. The new stamp, "Isfahan - the City of Polish Children", went on sale earlier this month. It depicts a pupil at School No. 15 near Isfahan (Stanislaw Stojakowski), standing in front of a Persian carpet woven at the city's Carpet School in 1944. In 1942, Isfahan housed thousands of Polish orphans released from the Soviet work camps of Siberia and Kazakhstan
نانیتا به صورت ژنتیک تبعیدی یا مهاجر است. درختی است که ریشه اش در اوکراین پا گرفته است. مادر بزرگها و پدربزرگهایش از هجوم سوسیالیزم شوروی به آلمان گریخته اند، پس خاکشان را عوض کرده اند و ساکن آلمان شده اند. پدر و مادرش در جوانی جنگ دوم جهانی را در آلمان دیده اند و پشت سر گذاشته اند. نانیتا در بیست سالگی عاشق یک فرانسوی (که می گویند بانکدار بوده یا کارمند بانک؟) شده و دنبالش از آلمان آمده به فرانسه یعنی و باز خاکش را عوض کرده است. چند سالی با هم زندگی کرده اند و نشده دیگر. عشق تمام شده و ته کشیده ولی فرانسه تمام نشده و خاکش شده، حالا اینجا وطن کرده و فقط کارمند ساده ای در موزه است. با از هم پاشیده شدن دولت اتحاد جماهیر شوروی و تبدیل شدنش به جمهوری های کوچک، ناگهان نانیتا صاحب ارثیه و ملک و قصر مادر بزرگها یا پدربزرگهایش در اوکراین شد.