یکتـا بودن با خداونـد - مـن و او

یکتـا بودن با خداونـد - مـن و او
by مسعود از امریکا

بر هر دری می زنم، در این جستجو، خداوندا کجایی
  کاین در باز شد، و ان در، بینم در خود، ای شاعر کجایی

فرقی نباشد، ز این دل و عالم، گر چه بیشتر، من بینم
  هیچ تفاوت من نبینم، ای خداوندا، من شاعر، و تو کجایی

راه الهی، که گویندش نماز و دعا، بس راهی نیست
  بر خود نگر، ای مرد مومن، درونت را، کاین خداوندا، تو کجایی

گر مسلمان باشی، و یا یهودی، و یا مسیحی
  فرقی نباشد، ای برادر، در خود جو، و نه در اسمان، ای خداوندا، تو کجایی

در ره عالم، تو خداوند هستی، و خداوند تو
  فراموشت مکن، ای یار یاران، در خود جو ان را، کاین خداوند، تو کجایی



more from مسعود از امریکا

Dear faryarm

by R2-D2 on

Thank you for your comment. Let me clarify to you what I mean:

The followers of each religion, whether that is Islam, Christianity, Judaism, or the Bahai faith, believe that their particular religion is the best, and that is why they are following it.

For example, a Jew may tell you that he follows Judaism because they are considered to be the Chosen People. Similarly, a Christian may tell you that he follows Christianity because Jesus is the only way to know the Father (God). Again, in a similar manner, a Muslim may tell you that he follows Islam because Muhammad was considered the last of the Great Prophets.

In the case of the Bahai faith, you bring into the discussion the concept of the Progressive nature of the faiths, and their respective revelation from God. 

I would like to say to you without reservation, that all of the above reasonings and statements, given by all of the above mentioned faiths, are fundamentally divisive. Whether you have noticed that or not, inherent within all of the above reasonings and statements, is an implication, whether direct or indirect, that my faith is BETTER than yours!

Having said all of that, I would like to encourage you, that in your discourse with others, to minimize references to statements from the Bahai faith that imply, either directly, or indirectly, that it is BETTER than others. Instead, share with people the positive aspects of the faith, and its teachings.

I hope that has clarified things for you. Again, take care :) !




R2-D2; No One is Superior...

by faryarm on

Dear R2-D2

It is disturbing to me that any one can take offense, with any of my comments, non of which  contain any expression of superiority.

I am interested to know, what specifically you found in my comment to imply either directly or indirectly that the The Bahai Faith is "superior" to those of others.

The Fact is that , Bahais dont think of religions as being in competition.

It would be just as absurd to say that your Applied mathematics teacher in College is superior to your Third Grade Maths Teacher; I hope this illustrates my point.

Our teachers have taught  us according to our age and capacity.

The Bahai Faith is yet one further stage in the spiritual education of Mankind; and Baha'u'llah is its modern day "teacher".

KIndly re read my comments, I am sure you will reconsider, One can not be a Bahai, with any feeling of superiority. 

In any case i Thank you for your kind and considerate caution.





Dear faryarm

by R2-D2 on

If you don't mind, I would like to offer you a word of advice:

There are many on this site, who feel sympathetic towards the Bahai people, in view of their mistreatment in Iran.

Nevertheless, many of the same people, take serious offence to statements from well-meaning Bahais, such as yourself, implying either directly, or indirectly, that their faith (The Bahai Faith) is superior to those of others.

Please take note of this fact. The last thing that you would want to do, is to alienate those who feel sympathetic towards your cause.

Take care :) !




I think we are in agreement;

by faryarm on

I think we are in agreement; except 

I believe that All Religions are in Essence One; each Religion is as  you put it a "Vehicle and Path to Enlightenment" .

As a Bahai I am in essence A Jew, Christian and Moslem. for I believe for their time and place , they were relevant and "a Vehicle and Path to Enlightenment".

Arguing about which religion is wrong or right, is like arguing Which Sun is the right one, The ONE on Mon, Tues, Wed, thu, fri, Sat, or Sunday !

On a more humorous level,

In former times The Vehicle was the Donkey and the Path was the muddy, stony road!

Today, we drive Audis and Jags on HighWays.. 

Just as there has been Material Progress, We also Have Spiritual Growth and Progress.

We need Guidance through closeness with God;

God has provided us with brand new Spiritual GPS maps, to navigate the ups and downs of what seems to be a pretty long and windy road ahead !

Using old maps, has simply gotten us lost.... 


I leave you with a mediation of Baha'u'llah , revealed to Him when He was wandering as a Dervish in The Mountains of Kurdistan, Near Sulaymaniyyih, after His Exile from Iran.


I desire communion with thee,

but thou wouldst put no trust in Me. The sword of thy rebellion hath felled the tree of thy hope. At all times I am near unto thee, but thou art ever far from Me. Imperishable glory I have chosen for thee, yet boundless shame thou hast chosen for thyself. While there is yet time, return, and lose not thy chance. Baha'u'llah From The Hidden Words.



Dear faryarm


Thank you for your comment. Although I sense the sincerity of your argument, nevertheless, I have to respectfully disagree with some parts of it.

In my own mind, Religion is nothing but a Path to Enlightenment. By that I mean, the Experience of the Divine.

In the Islamic tradition, there have been people such as Rumi who have alluded to that: An Experience Of Oneness With God.

In the Christian tradition, there have been people such as Meister Eckhart who have said essentially the same thing.

What I am trying to tell you is this: If you use any religion, whether that is Judaism, Christianity, Islam, or in your case, the Bahai faith, for any other purpose but as a Vehicle and Path to Enlightenment, that you are missing the whole point!

If you have any other questions, please let me know,

Thank you :)




Dear Iran Parast

by faryarm on

May I  comment on your statement:

You state:

"Unfortunately, there are many religions, including some of those that you have mentioned here, and others that you haven't, and their respective followers, who FAIL to realize that ALL RELIGIONS serve only as a Path and a Vehicle to Enlightment, and NOT Enlightenment itself." 

Although I appreciate the good will behind your comment:

Would it not be more accurate to say that: 

ALL RELIGIONS have ONE COMMON FOUNDATION; Each Having come for a certain time and place, each a separate stage in the spiritual enlightenment of Mankind. Every religion leads to God, but religious truth is revealed by God progressively and cyclically over time through a series of divine Messengers, and that the teachings are tailored to suit the needs of the time and place of their appearance.[1][2] Thus, the Bahá'í teachings recognize the divine origin of several world religions as different stages of in the history of one religion, while believing that the revelation of Bahá'u'lláh is the most recent (though not the last--that there will never be a last), and therefore the most relevant to modern society.[1] 

Could I suggest that,  Enlightenment is the acceptance of God's will and Message for today. 

A fair examination of the teachings of Baha'u'llah would attest to the fact that, God in His latest( but not last) revelation has laid out a "path" for the enlightenment , Unity,prosperity and happiness of Mankind. 



Dear Observer

by faryarm on

I appreciate and Thank you for your frank comment.

i am also sorry about the impression created, as that is far from the reality. 

What you perceive to be Cult-Like, is fortunately nothing but a passionate and independant defense and expression of every Bahai in response to some who have recently bombarded this site with poisonous distortions and incendiary blogs, taking advantage of the innocent reader who on average know little or nothing about the Bahai Faith, its aims, and goals.

The Contributions on this site by Bahais, mine included are not some organized, coordinated campaign, but always individual expressions from the heart and in response to issues and challenges we face in society, not to mention in defense of the defenseless community of Bahais in Iran; each according to his or her won level of understanding and knowledge.

I believe what you see as the  "Path" to "Transcendence" is the independant journey in search for the truth, and its "Vehicle" is an open mind.

Even the mention of the word "cult" is unfair in any reference to The Bahai Faith or its adherents.

Please see:






To: faryarm

by An Observer (Non-Bahai) (not verified) on

I have read many of your blogs, and the comments that you have left for other people.

I have to say, respectfully, that the impression that I get from you, and many of the other Bahai bloggers here, is that they treat the Bahai Faith as an end to itself, rather than a Path or a Vehicle to Transcendence, as others have alluded to.

When something like this happens, the faith typically turns inward, and it becomes more and more Cult-like.

Again, I hope that you don't mind my frankness here. I saw your comment, and felt that I had to respond to it.


An Observer (Non-Bahai)


Dear Massoud


I fully understand, and appreciate your point-of-view here.

Unfortunately, there are many religions, including some of those that you have mentioned here, and others that you haven't, and their respective followers, who FAIL to realize that ALL RELIGIONS serve only as a Path and a Vehicle to Enlightment, and NOT Enlightenment itself.

Thanks - I hope that others appreciate this also :)




ای خاک متحرّک


ای خاک متحرّک  

من بتو مأنوسم و تو از من مأيوس * سيف عصيان شجره اميد ترا بريده * و در جميع حال بتو نزديکم و تو در جميع احوال از من دور * و من عزّت بيزوال برای تو اختيار نمودم و تو ذلّت بی منتهی برای خود پسنديدی * آخر تا وقت باقی مانده رجوع کن و فرصت را مگذار *


کلمات مکنونه فارسی    //reference.bahai.org/fa/t/b/PHW/phw-21.html 

مسعود از امریکا

یکتـا بودن با خداونـد - مـن و او

مسعود از امریکا

Unity With God - Me And Him