Bomb Iran Now

John Bolton says U.S. should attack Iran for interfering in Iraq Former UN Ambassador John Bolton reiterated his views on bombing Iran: He's for it. Bolton said it would be an "entirely resposible" action for President Bush to target supposed Shiite insurgent training camps Iran before the end of his presidency. And despite regional ramifications of bombing Iran, Bolton thinks Israel would be "delighted." (Think Progress)


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.....And why not?

by Majid on

Now that the mission is accomplished ( as of May 2003) in Iraq, why not start another mission in Iran?

WMDs found in Iraq, there's more peace and quiet in Iraq today, compare to pre-invasion, There WAS Al-Qaeda in Iraq before, and today is NOT , there WAS torture in Iraq before, and today is NOT ,There WERE more Americans and Iraqies ALIVE before, and today they ARE not ..........and seriously.....WHY NOT ???

Let's .....just let's ruin another nation, GWB (Georgie Without Brain) will be out of the office in about 9 months and back in Texas, enjoying hunting and BBQing while oil money runs in the family for generations, so......who cares? All it takes is an IDIOT like Bolton and his counterpart in Iran "Mahmood- the miracle of third millenium"

BTW....If Bolton is such an expert what the F**k is he doing out of UN and in the S**t hole FOX News?  

God bless Iran and Iranians.


P.S. MR Bolton: Your white diaper (sibil) is about one inch too far up, it should cover both your lips. 


Zion is right!

by Q on

The debate is about striking back terrorist training camps inside Iran

Yes. Absolutely, also:

  • Iraq was about "disarming" Saddam Hussein from nuclear weapons.
  • But the bad intelligence on the WMD thing was an "honest mistake".
  • Attacking Iraq destroyed Al Qaeda.
  • US percision bombing of Iraqi "targets" only killed bad guys and terrorist camps.
  • US prisoners torturing Iraqis at Abu Ghraib were just a few bad apples that somehow became aware of sophisticated culturally based CIA interrogation techniques.
  • John Bolton is fighting for freedom of Iranians, honest.
  • Just like WW II, Iranian "partisans" from inside the country are asking America to defeat Iran and if it attacks, they will "help America crush" the IRI.
  • Israel is a peaceful nation that has never attacked anybody.
  • To defeat terrorism and ensure safety for your citizens you have to use more and more military power and destroy threats before they become real. Bombing suspected terrorist camps works! That's why Israel is the safest nation in the world.
  • There is no such thing as Palestine.
  • Unlike the fanatical religious zealots, Israel has real legitimacy, because was granted to the Jews by the allmighty, therefore that's who it belongs to.
  • You, Zion, understand Iran and Iranians much better than they do. That's why you are sure they would welcome bombing of their homes.


Pissed off

by Mammad (not verified) on

You are not interested in the real issue: Your support of military attacks on your native land, and commiting treason because of it. Keep your photo and real name to yourself. But, because you support military attacks on Iran, why don't you go to Iran and fight for your belief which is so strong that you are willing to see the entire nation destroyed.

It is useless to argue with people like you, because you are ill- and uninformed, and you have transformed your hatred of the mullahs, which can be completely justified, into your hatred for Iran and Iranians. By trying to reinterpret what I said about your thought process in a skewed and absurd way, you only confirm what I said.

Once again, shame on you.


u're the bomb

by hamidbak on

Why is he talking?  What makes him qualified to open his yap and allow crap to come out?

 Old dude, what will remedy your ailment, ie. erectile dysfunction, is not bombing or shooting, there are medications for that now.  Viagra, Cialis, Levitra...pop a few instead of bombing a whole lot of people.


Bolton is a bully!

by farrad02 on

Many people who have worked for him in the government jobs he has held say that he is a bully and has very bad temper!  He has also got his head up in Pro-Israel lobby's you know what! (I would tell you what but JJ's censors would again delete my comment!)


No way dude, you can blow me but not Iran...

by Yours truely (not verified) on

Bolton said Iran's aiding the Taliban! No buddy ... US used to aid the Taliban/Mujahedins. Iran was at war with Taliban and still is. This retard is wost than John McCain not knowing his Shiite and Sunnie. Mr. Bolton, Iran doesn't think US is weak. US is weak by not being able to handle 2 broken countries. Iran knows it and the world knows it. I have another suggetion for Mr. Bolton ... he can blow me instead of Iran any day of the week. I like the fuzz under his nose.


Bomb Iran? Are you a MEK supporter

by Abarmard on

Those who want Iran bombed for the regime change (regime gains power) are similar to MEK who wanted the same thing many years ago working with a foreign force rather than Iranian people. Same standards, same logic, different camp.


Blind Faith!

by Pissed Off (not verified) on

"You are pissed off? Why don't you hit your head against a concrete wall? Mammad

Is that what your friends say when they run out of other forms of torture?
"... hit your head against a concrete wall?"

And if the person does not agree to follow orders, do they hit his/her head against a concrete wall? Like what they did to Zahra Kazemi and the way they have murdered many other prisoners of conscience before burying them under several feet of concrete so no autopsy would be possible.

Is that why you want my photo and name? You see how easily you have revealed your true character?

"I firmly believe that one can oppose the regime of Velaayat-e Faghih, but also defend Iran's true national interests, including being against sanctions and military attacks; supporting Iranians' national right for self-determination; being against inteference in Iran's internal affairs, and supporting Iran's right under international treaties, so long as Iran has abided by its own international obligations."Mammad

The regime in Iran did not "abide by its own international obligations" when the Stalinists in Tehran went after members of the opposition who lived in other countries and murdered them in cold blood. The regime disregarded its international obligations when a group of hoodlums ordered by the molahs, took over the U.S. embassy in Tehran and held American diplomats hostage for a period of 444 days in spite of their diplomatic immunity. And when the Iranian regime began interfering in the internal affairs of Iraq.

The problem isn't VF alone, it is the whole corrupt and cruel theocratic system backed by the armed forces that must be removed from power. However, your reason is constrained by your blind faith in the system, thus failing to see beyond the limits imposed on your objectivity by such unwavering faith.

Een gaav nareh va dooshidani nist!

Mammad, Mammal, Mammali, Mammadi, Mamak and pissed off aren't "real" names. They're nicknames, pseudonyms, pen-names, stage names, professional names, assumed names, aliases, allonyms, false names, etc.

Don't waste my time on trivialities, get to the real issues!


Copy Right Infringement

by kalvoks_ on

May be There will be a Getmo and Abu Grabe

Microbrewery all over the world ...

and it aint going to be in internet time


Bolton is an arrogant thug,

by sadegh on

Bolton is an arrogant thug, Fox News are serial liars, who try and pass themselves off for news (what a sad day for journalism), the evidence that Iran is supporting the insurgency is tendentious by the lights of Iraq's own government, and even if there is support, the insurgency would exist in any case because Iraqis are a dignified people and refuse to let their country become an American imperial appendange...Get the 140,000 US troops out of Iraq, the American people don't want them there, and the overwhelming majority of Iraqis certainly don't want them there...There is no debate unless of course as Noam Chomsky says you're operating on the presupposition that America owns the world, and thus by default frame all forms of resistance to Pax Americana as expressly illegitimate...Luckily the vast majority of the world's population repudiate that assumption unequivocally and without hesitation and will never stop fighting against the imperial hubris of the likes of fascists like Bolton.


Do you feel lucky?

by Abarmard on

If Mr. Bolton and his party do another miscalculation to attack Iran, there are some politicians in Iran that while cleaning then pointing their gun towards the US are thinking:

"I know what you're thinking. Did he make 300 hundred centrifuges or 3000?
Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement I kind of lost
track myself. But being as this is a Shahab 3 missile,
the most powerful missile of Iran, and would blow your head clean
off, you've got to ask yourself one question: Do I feel lucky? Well, do
ya, punk"


Israel is a terrorist state, why not to bomb it?

by observer (not verified) on

Istael has atomic bomb and is a terrorist state, why not bomb Israel? Its goverments takes bribe, rapes women (jewish women too, remember Israel's president). Then why not a regime change in Israel? Please explain.


Spare us your advise

by XerXes (not verified) on

To Zionists and kodforukhtehaa, The insurgence are not Iranian based, they are American made and Zionist funded. Your claim is as valid as mine.

After all it was not Iran that attacked a sovereign country, it was US with Zionist push. who do you think you dealing with? your normal American crowd that can't point at the map to a country that they have been destroying for years now? get out of town.

It's convenient for the Zionists to have Iran on their side and you being one of course want that. Here is what's happening:

Israel wants Iranian "regime" destroyed at any cost.
Iran wants Israeli "regime" destroyed,
Israel is with US and will not attack herself. Wants American soldiers, same as in Iraq, fight her "battles". For Israel the lost is limited, because similar to Iraq, they still get their money from the American system, which starts by investing to those like bolton from AIPAC, then those Zionists come to power and pour money back in to Israel's pocket, while Israeli invest some of that again back to AIPAC. Yet Iran is by herself, so is more responsible. Iran doesn't have the luxury that the Zionists have created for themselves in Israel.

You don't give a damn about Iran. You don't give a damn about insurgence or US. All you care about is Israel. So spare us your so called logic. You at your best ideological standing are not above any Mullahs. You care for the same things that they care about, just the other side of the equation.

Therefor I suggest that you and your Zionist friends get the hell of out the US, and leave all of us alone. After all I am paying taxes so Zionists like you would have a land for any price for the reason that you would not be here anymore. That's Zionism. What do we have here? America kills for you, pays your bills, stands up for any mistakes and crimes that you do so you can have a land and leave us alone. Yet you are even in
you got it backwards dude, you should leave. My country pays her own bills and I have never lied to an Israeli to be their friends while wanting them bombed. Sick and typical. That's why more people in the world hate you and Zionism, they are not wrong. You deserve your history and it just begun!
Israel is Artificial and Zionists are ideologically bankrupted. As much as you want Iran on your side, the world will be against your mentality sooner than you think. You are gone before the Iranian Mullahs. You are the true international problem with Nukes, and have shown no humane responsibilities in your entire history. You dude, you should go back and your ideology is at the end of the line. The prove is in time, let's crack a cold one and enjoy the outcome.


Iran is a sovereign country.

by Befriend_a_jew_shoot_a_zionist (not verified) on

Iran is a sovereign country. it's not a piece of dirt you can bomb whenever you want. Only americans and the zionist bastards can so easily talk about bombing other countries. So called "training camps". How about bombing american and israeli training camps on occupied territories? THey are the invaders, not Iran.
Iran's regime is oppressive, but at least it is the only state fighting against american occupation.


Spare us the theater act

by Zion on

You don`t need to sweat for this phony theater you are staging here anymore. The debate is about striking back terrorist training camps inside Iran who send insurgents into Iraq to kill people there and stifle the little chance they have for freedom. It is precisely such things that put innocent Iranian people in harms way. The whole point is to avoid harming people in Iran, Iraq, the whole region, dumbos! Got it?
If things get badly out of hand, all your whinings will do no one any good. Start using your heads if you really mean well (which I seriously doubt!)
If terrorist training camps come before your family, that`s cool, but I wouldn`t be bragging about it here so blatantly if I were you.

The Iranians here who after all they have experienced under your mullah`s boots, now see the reality crystal clear and speak their minds, already know how phony all this big talk of yours is. That`s why they aren`t falling for the same trash anymore, and that`s what`s really burning your insides, isn`t it? It has nothing to do with the comments of one zionist here at all.

What do you expect, when you openly admit, amidst drooling over your wet dreams of massacres, that you consider all those disillusioned and intelligent Iranians who can see through all your tricks, as `nothing`? When you are shameless enough to say out loud that no one `counts` except you and your type? You honestly think anyone who knows your type is a bit surprised by this?
Of course they don`t count as humans in your view. That is why they are expendable. You are evidently too dumb to realize the irony in this, because it was the same cold blooded attitude that is the cause of many of your noble martyr`s deaths during a meaningless war as well. They didn`t count while they were alive either. It is only their useful corpses that counts, precisely for such empty bragging here and there. Like thousands of those expendable count to nothing kids with plastic key who cleared mine fields for those few special buddies of the hidden Imam that were and are evidently the only ones that do count.
You bunch know not even one iota about nationalism. So stop treating everyone as fools. Many Iranians here and elsewhere already believe that Iran should effectively be considered an occupied territory. Occupied by Islamists, not by open military invasion, but through a bizzar and complex historical process that started two or three centuries ago and has gone unnoticed by the rest of the world. I actually tend to agree with them more and more as time goes by. Nationalism?
During the Nazi occupation of Europe, the bravest most nationalistic Frenchmen, Dutchmen, Czechs, Yugoslavians, Hungarians... were partisans in the resistance movements of their countries, helping the allied forces crash their criminal occupiers inside their occupied `home lands`. Nationalism is to have the best of your people in your heart, to strive to understand the reality of the situation they are in, and to do what is best for them. To befriend and fight along those who benefit them, to fight those who have brough them to this stage of desperation, and to do all that it takes to bring them freedom.

If you are as brave as you claim, tough guys, and if you really care for your land and your people, I suggest you go back there and put your life in line and help overthrow the reign of your lunatic leaders, instead of ranting your usual boring stuff here all the time. Criminal leaders who, out of their lust and ideological craze for power and dominance, are slowly and surely, and with cold blooded accuracy, pushing innocent Iranians towards death and destruction. Just like myriads of brave and honorable students, women, workers and oppressed ethnicities who are struggling right now under threat of death and torture in the land you claim to be speaking for.
But you won`t, will you? Because all you gang of loudmouth clowns are nothing but cowards and chicken. Ranting is easy, and, it seems, is all you are good at.




by Mammad (not verified) on

Thank you.

Nobody can truly be for a democratic Iran, but also support military attacks and sanctions against Iran.


Mr. AnonymousIranLOVER

by Abarmard on

So'al kardi chera beh yaru gir midam? delesh vaaseye man o toe keh nasukhteh, mikhaad az aab e gel aalud maahi begir e. Az adameye injuri khosham nemiyaad.

man tarafdaareh IR nistam. Maghalehaayam ra bekhaanid beh bahs e man miresid.


Zion: Tell us about the bombs

by Mehdi on

Tell us which country is going to supply the bombs so that "democracy can be established." How do they explode? When they explode, how do they incinerate human bodies? And how does that make you feel? Proud? Don't you think for good measure, bombs should be dropped on all of Middle East so that we make absolutely sure that the beautiful magnificent "democratic countries" will have a chance to survive? Don't you think that's necessary? Tell us about the bombs that are going to be used for democracy. Come on, tell us. Are you drooling, you sick monster?


And Mammad

by XerXes (not verified) on

You are who I would go to war to fight for, an Iranian not some of these embarrassing bastards. I wish that none of those who wish a single bullet in the Iranian soil would ever return because they have no home in Iran. It is something to be against a regime and another to want your country destroyed by a war. Do we really need to say that to some of you? Isn't that obvious? unfortunately not. At the best Iran would be like Iraq. And that's what you are promoting? I won't let someone curse my mother, that's where I draw the line. I guess with some of you Namus is nothing since you are haramzadeh. Zion and some of you said bomb Iran. That's a direct attack to my country and family. I won't take that lightly. Any of you said that in my face would get the punishment that they deserve. No, when you talk about bombing Iran, there is no democracy in my opinion. That's a line I draw. Zion and those like him are now clearly my enemy.


Pissed off

by Mammad (not verified) on

First of all, regarding my name:

Unlike your pseudo name, my real name is Mammad. Since you claim to be 100% Iranian, then you should know that Mammad is an abbreviation for Mohammad or Muhammad. But, apparently, you do not even know this simple fact, but issue criminal FATWA for attacking Iran.

I regularly publish political articles, both in printed media and on the web. When I do that, I use my complete name. It is only on this site that I use my first name only. The reason is people like you. Most commentators on this site have a hard time sticking to the issues. They use this to attack people, label them, make baseless accusations, etc., EXACTLY what you do to me and others.

Before you say anything, let me say that I do not believe you saying that you support attacking Iran is simply an excercise in freedom of expression. You saying such things so explicitly is what it is, pure and simple: Supporting crimes and genocide against Iran and Iranians.

(i) I do not believe in GW Bush and Osama bin Laden philosophy, which appears to be yours also, that, "you are either with us or against us."

(ii) I do not believe in black and white. There are other colours as well.

(iii) My calculus is not binary, either/or, 1/0. It has many other numbers.

I firmly believe that one can oppose the regime of Velaayat-e Faghih, but also defend Iran's true national interests, including being against sanctions and military attacks; supporting Iranians' national right for self-determination; being against inteference in Iran's internal affairs, and supporting Iran's right under international treaties, so long as Iran has abided by its own international obligations.

You are pissed off? Why don't you hit your head against a concrete wall? Why don't you throw away your money? Why don't you scream at your family? Because you can think straight. Therefore, because you can think straight and yet support genocide against Iran, then you are shameless, and should share any blame for such attacks.

Any thinking person knows that a military attack against Iran will not only not get rid of the mullahs, but will also consolidate their power for another two decades. Unlike people like you who, as soon as they got to the West, became more Catholic than the Pope, more neocon than the neocons, and more American than Americans, Iranians who live in Iran and many who live outside Iran are first and foremost nationalists. They may hate the mullahs, but will defend their native land.

So, once again, shame on you.


Zendeh bashi Zion!

by zionist junior (not verified) on

Zendeh bashi Zion!


Zion just remember

by XerXes (not verified) on

Those so called Iranians who talk to you about bombing Iran are nothing. They don't count, you know who counts? me. I lost my brother to the war. I had my father 70% injured and recently died. I and millions in Iran, those are the Iranians that you will deal with. Iran comes to me before my family and regime. Iran is my country.
Oil will run out and the usage of Israel will be diminish. Once US support gone Israel is going to have a wakeup call. Then I bet there would be that Iran, unlike before in history, to come to their rescue!
You say bomb now, we Iranians won't forget. That one character of ours is the same as Jews. We don't forget.
As my friend would say, you better watch out!


Abarmard & the rest of the IRI Supporters............

by AnonymousIranLOVER (not verified) on

What are you talking about with respect to Zion? What do you mean he is a guest? He is not a guest! He has every right to his opinion just like you do. Just because you don't like it and just because he is not a hamvatan like you does not diminish his right to his opinion or the validity of such Opinion.

Common Abarmard! Don't be such a NAMARD!

I don't see anything nasty about his post anyway. There are many more hamvatans who wish much worse on the IRI than zion. However, because he is jewish or because he iz a zionist, you choose to pick on him.

As far as I know, Israel (UNLIKE THE IRI) does not support every evil group on the borders of IRI with such groups lunching missiles and rockets into IRI territory. Conversely, our great and enlightened velayateh faqih IRI government supports Hizbullah and Hamas with arms and money allowing these groups to kill innocent none combatant Israelis. Has Israel ever killed any Iranians?

As far as I remember, Israel sold weapons to that indian dude by the name of Khomeini to protect him and the Iranians from Saddam agha while the Arabs who the IRI supports today were all on Saddam's side while he killed a million poor hamvatans.

Have some ensaf guys. Be fair.



by Zion on

Some people are having wet dreams again. What`s the matter? Forgot to take your pills?


why not any one going to help poor and hunger

by Anonymous7 (not verified) on

why they are so sensitive to Iran?


The man is absolutely right

by NANEHJAN (not verified) on

The man is absolutely right we should bomb the mullahs and anyone in the way now. I really like that idea. Anything to make our gas cheaper I am all for that.MARG BAR KHOMEINI ,,,JAVID SHAH.


I am beginning to think

by Afshin. (not verified) on

That Ahmadinejad might have a point. If you think about it Ahmadinejad hasn't kill anyone. Look at these killers. Man I didn't like him but am beginning to rethink my position about the Islamic Republic. If they are fighting these guys, they might be into something.
Also, maybe he was right about Israel. hmmm!


Bet you a dollar Zion is a terrorist

by XerXes (not verified) on

Have you guys seen the movie trading places? I bet you one dollar that if Zion is sent to the other side he'll be a terrorist (not that he is not one now)

We sent Zion to a imaginary Palestine taken over by Israel. Let him live for a few years then attack and kick him out. treat him like the uncivilizes ass that he is.

We have Zion and his family raped first, then bombed so he knows once and for all what it is to be on the other side.

Then he'll know how important politics is when his own daddy and mommy are covered with blood in front of his eyes. I bet he realizes what it is to bomb and destroy homes, like in Iraq today. But he is a zionist, so he might not get it. Let's continue:

We'll take all the media access from him and show his barbaric ugly and dirty face daily on TV to let everyone know what a dirty ass he and his likes are.

We'll see if he becomes a terrorist or a civilized man.

If that doesn't work we'll do more like Israel does. We first give him some home somewhere else and allow him to continue his miserable life. When he's married with a kid, we then come and get his wife and beat the crap out of her, if has kids, we kill it then leave.
Bet you one whole dollar that he will become a terrorist.
Bolton, Bush and all the other Zionists can try to get rid of Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Iran....Man it aint matter. There always will be another enemy. Look at the Zionist, do you think these bastards can live in peace? If no one, they kill each other.



by Zion on

OK, I see the point you are making better now. You do have a point about the absolute PR disaster that has been the hallmark of this administration. It would be wonderful if others would start speaking sensibly about what should be done. It would be perfect if Israelis did not have to be constantly the ones who have to remind everybody else about the catastrophy that is approaching. Believe me, there would be nothing more that I would like to see in the world today than this.
Unfortunately it isn`t happening. We are living in a despicably corrupt world. Someone here has given a great idea in his comments about imposing oil embargos on Iran. It would be the best solution, the least destructive to everyone and will get rid of these criminals in power in Tehran in the shortest time possible. However for it to work you need a global unison. China, Russia, even India or perhaps Europe will simply not comply. This is the real world. You gotta do what you gotta do. Israel, the US and a few other free states who stil have a spine left to fight this encroaching darkness can`t rely on romatic dreams.It is a mistake to give too much weight on playing with `perceptions`. Vested interests are all over the place and they thrump up any good `perception` any saint might have.
That is why you want all the allies that you get, you want to support anyone who is talking sense. Ultimately it is not a show of who`s Mr. popularity. It is about preventing an impending disaster in face of ignorance, bias and fatal apathy.

Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

I'll be polite as I can be in order to prevent being deleted....some of my best responses in the past have been sent into orbits higher than most satellites!!

Agha.....we have had a dialogue going for a little while now on various subjects. You should realize by now I'm in my own camp!