Sudden shift

Bijan Rafaty was born in Tehran, Iran, where he received his formal education up to a B.A.
level in economics and political science. He moved to the U.S. for the completion of his studies.

His working experience was in the center for Advanced Studies in Population and Energy, the International Monetary Fund, and teaching part time at Howard University. A sudden shift of interest changed the pattern of his life.

Once he laughingly mentioned “I made a big hole in the boat and tried my whole life learning to swim back to the starting point.” What he actually meant was that his childhood dreams and imagination dominated his disciplined life.

Today he has gone through two decades of such endeavor and has put together twelve solo shows and participated in more than twenty group and private exhibitions.

Excerpts taken from the critics and his interviews indicate that the unconscious mind plays an important part in his paintings and sculptures, where as he himself emphasizes that his art is found on a conceptual basis.

Bijan has also tried his hand at music and poetry, but he considers visual art as the elixir of life

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