
Monster mistake

On April 24,, the world's largest online job search and career management company, will delete the word “Iran,” along with the names of six

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Mihan Vaghti nistam zendegi farghi baa zendoon nadaareh Mihan Vaghti nistam shab az harchi shab siaatareh Mihan Khabar daari cheh sakhte dar kharaj boodan? Mihan

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Your name

I was in Iran at the time of the Iran Iraq war. To this date the fear that I experienced dying at the speed of

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The cub

Wings as tired as the sun that needs to set With a soul on fire and a shell sick with desire As the sun begins

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Only 1 Step

My soul is always 1 step behind me only 1 step I’m frightened that it might find me Or I’ll trip And It’ll taste me

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Stoning in Abadan

two women on their knees bodies swaying side to side covered in black veils head to toe dust rises stones crack ribs men form a

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The night letter

On the other side of the world someone is searching my soul with his huge telescope looking for a bright spot. I want to admit

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Lights, tanks, action!

A sea of blood on the screen No, that is The Shining A cold killer’s bio That’s Hitchcock’s Psycho The ultimate reality show Mr. George

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Make Her Our’s

Here we are fighting another war. And my hands are soaked in blood.  In Iraqi Blood.  In Columbian Blood. In Palestinian Blood. In Burmese Blood. In

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The eve of war

a lone crumpled sheet of paper (perhaps a shopping list or the reminder of a chore, possibly a lovelorn note or some verse best left

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I am the star

I am the Star I went to Iran I brought to Iran a Box of Toblerone chocolate almost as tall as I. Farouj wanting chocolate

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Children of the crescent

bootleg cigarette candy cancerize your teeth. gun smoke gathers in your wooly hair and you sweat the poison your father's bestowed upon you. no penicillin.

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The heartbeat of death

People act, children cry, In a heartbeat, people die. Bombs fall, cities rust, In a heartbeat, today is dust. People hurt, leaders are vain, In

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She declared I am, Yet they ignored her. She had opinions and a voice, Yet she was not heard. She had feelings and heart, Yet

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