Leyla Momeny, Blogging

The East is a career. — Benjamin Disraeli

This obsessive documentation was merely a reaction to celebrity. We are raised in an image-obsessed culture which teaches us that something didn't really happen if there is no recording of it. We are saturated by countless photos and images of famous people in print, on television, and on the big screen. We don't know if they are famous because they are in the magazines or if they are in the magazines because they are famous. But somewhere in the confusion, we begin to crave the sight of our own image. We want to insert ourselves into the narrative. Look! Proof of my existence and social life. Proof that I am doing something and looking cute while I'm doing it. Having your visage mirrored back to you through photos is fulfilling because it feeds your narcissism while countering your sense of relative insignificance.

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