Post-enghelab trees

the winds come unannounced

with nothing but time in their pockets

as i watch the trees sway in this ancient belly dance

their bodies curve around the air

that fills the voices among them

as they tell and re-tell of occasions gone

reminiscing about a time

when kings and queens dined at their feet

lost in a past long gone

their sways become unanimous

the sweesh-swashing of their belly dance

stifling the melody escaping a nearby bistro

their stories have blossomed into tales

the repetitions now soothing to their scattered leaves

of riches passed

of lovers gone

of an almost dream

lost in this rhythmic dance

to the tunes of a century passed

they ignore the lands changing colors

and calling out their names

they do not hear the midnight goodbyes of

a moon slowly slipping away

and the earth tugging at their roots

gets no response

they sway to this music they no longer understand

belonging to a forest that no longer shelters the birds

lost between yesterdays gone and tomorrows not yet theirs

they ask all passers by for a light

to heal old wounds

whispering to the tunes of a century passed

the sweesh-swashing of their belly dance

has stifled the sounds of the lands changing colors

and calling out their names

of riches passed

of lovers gone

of an almost dream


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