News were reaching
About arrival
Of great concepts
In the great heads
Of the statesmen.
Words were hurrying
Between lips and ears
In whispers; aloud,
And the shining cars
Of a long train
Were gliding in
Among the uproar.
Crowds were amassed
In town square,
With hats in their hands.
Cheecks were red apples,
Smiles were on lips,
Big and rich, indeed
Eyes were by thousands
Upon a thousand;
Sheen of reverence
Pouring our of them.
Tears were being shed,
Pleasure ran high,
Emotions higher,
In the veins, in words
Of an ovation.
I shaded a hand
On passing windows
To peek in the cars,
To see someone’s face,
To shake someone’s hand,
To send greetings,
To show a smile,
To admire a thought.
Statues were nice.
Lovely products
Of dull factories
Were sitting inside:
All clean and neat,
With great smiles,
Without any life.
What happened to thoughts?
Where did they escape?
Where did their life run?
Hand of what ravage
Has robbed them of the boughs
Of tree of sense;
Of grass of life?
Sweet statues,
Wrapped in their honors,
Had delved in silence
With their eyes affixed
To newspapers.
Mirror looked at me:
“The one you look for
Is not among them.”
Who was envious
Of my closeness
To great brains,
Mavelous plans,
Great prospects?
No one was around.
Mirror ran away.
Cars were empty.
Thoughts had run away.
Noises were running
From every side.
Void applauded void!