Join us

(For more info call 408-315-2758)

Dear Friends,

The political situation in the Middle East is pointing to more bloodshed and war. Aside from the occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan, the drumbeat of war against Iran is on the upbeat from the Bush administration. The extremism of Ahmadinejad’s rhetoric is only fueling the propaganda machine of the pro-war elements within the Bush administration in gathering more public support for an attack on Iran.

The Iranian-American community needs to use every opportunity to have its voice heard against both regimes to prevent more war and killing of innocent people. March 18th, 2007, marked our strong show of solidarity in San Francisco where more than 250 Iranian-Americans rallied against war.

Last March, we had one of the biggest anti-war contingents in the Bay Area. Subsequently, we received encouraging and supportive feedback from different American activists and organizations. Our pictures were seen on many Iranian websites, while we caught the attention of local media, providing us with good coverage. Our banners and fliers reflected our common voice against war, advocating alternatives for peace among both Iranian and American activists.

On Saturday, October 27th, we have yet another opportunity to make our voices heard against the occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan as well as the potential attack on Iran. In these critical times, where an attack on Iran is high on the agenda of the Bush administration, we need to find a common voice and say NO TO WAR regardless of our political and ideological differences.

Join us with your own banners, placards and fliers and march with the Iranian-American contingent among other activists.

(For more info call 408-315-2758)

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We will be gathering at 10:30 am in front of the main public library in San Francisco. The address is: 100 Larkin Street at Grove in Civic Center.


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