
It is rainy and cold outside

I am working on my laptop

My Russian blue is lying next to it

He is intelligent and playful


He is staring at me

I am also looking directly at him

Into his dark and vivid green eyes


I wonder what goes on in his mind

It seems that he wants to say something

But he can’t, for he has no words


We give each other companionship

We each feel the same about the other

The same instinct to live shines in us both

The same glowing spark burns in each of us


I don’t know what this spark is

But I know that we are not of two species

We are the same and equals


Monolitho is 10 years old. I also have a cat named Benedictus (Benny) who is 6 years old and another name Sophie whose age I don’t know because she was a stray. Monolitho is named after my cousins’ top cat in pre-revolutionary Iran who was named after a television character from a Western show called (high) Chaparral and played by Henry Darrow.>>>photos

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