Happy birthday
Rumi’s 800th birthday was celebrated in San Francisco with performances by Rana Farhan, Faramarz Aslani and Farzin Farhadi performed in San Francisco, organized by 7-Seen
Rumi’s 800th birthday was celebrated in San Francisco with performances by Rana Farhan, Faramarz Aslani and Farzin Farhadi performed in San Francisco, organized by 7-Seen
Hello fellow iranians Dorood eerooni Many of us are lonely, and many of us need to have friends. Kheyli az maha tanha hasteem, va kheyli
I am amazed at the people who don’t see the western bullying Iran and their argument is nonsense saying that it’s all Arabs fault! Why?
آیا کشور ما بالاخره خواهد توانست بدون گسترش بی وقفه رشته های گوناکون پیوستگی وهمبستگی با کاروانهای پیشرفت وتمدن در دنیای کنونی راهی کم هزینه
We had gone to a weekend picnic, with my fellow country men to a city park in Saint Louis. There was a friend, who had
(Washington, DC, November 3, 2007) – Iranian authorities should immediately prevent the execution of Makwan Mouloudzadeh and commute his death sentence, Human Rights Watch Organization
PART 1 Before any thing I would like to thank our friend Jahanshah for all his hard work and congratulate him on the improvements he
مطلبی نوشته بود عبدالباری عطوان سردبير «القدس العربی» نشريّه ی عرب زبان فلسطينی يی که در لندن منتشر و در سراسر جهان پخش می شود،
Under the plans, conventional laser-guided bombs would open “tunnels” into the targets. “Mini-nukes” would then immediately be fired into a plant at Natanz, exploding deep
Today, a great many Iranian opposition blogs and websites trumpet the secular nationalist ideology as the flag of opposition to the current Islamist government of
When a large group of eminent U.S. foreign policy experts was asked this summer to name the country most likely to transfer nuclear technology to
It is unusual for the French press to agree on anything, divided across the political divide as they are. But when it comes to hailing
From my “Metronome” collection. Details & more at absolutearts.com. — Copyright Marjan Zahed Kindersley 2007. All rights reserved
شب وروزهرکجای این گیتی می گردم .فانوس بدست ، پی مردمان نجیب آبادی ام . سلام بر شما طالقانی های بزرگ وفهیم