The state or feeling of being in love is great. Your day is consumed with thoughts of your beloved. You can’t wait to call her or get a call from her to hear her voice. You look foreward to Valentine’s day so you can get her the gift that would bring a smile to her face.
The bad thing is that according to research data, majority of couples, married or otherwise stop having these feelings within the first 16-30 months of their relationship.
Thats why buying a Valentine’s gift for our spouses becomes a chore instead of a joy. This is a lot worse for Americans than it has been for Iranians living here. But, Iranian couples 35-36 and under have become way too Americanized with regards to the whole Valentine’s day deal. You don’t get her a pair of Gucci sunglasses or you don’t take her to The Palm in Beverly Hills are you are dead meat.
But should there even be a Valentine’s day? Or should every day be a mini Valentine’s day where the husband brings home a dozen roses; or the wife sees a nice MP3 player that the husband has been eyeing for a while and buys it for him? Or the husband takes the kids to the movies so the wife and her girlfriend can go to a spa for 3 hours? Or hell, for the wife to go to a chick flick…..small things you know.
If you ask me, I rather have several mini V-days each year instead of one day out of the year where I have to compete and outdo myself. With all the societal pressures and advertisements on TV, I am sorry to say that most people, including yours truey, give in and do the 1 day deal.
That my take, whats yours?