While all other states promptly have reported the results of their primaries and caucuses, the final results of the Texas caucus are still being withheld from the voters and the nation. After 5 days only 41% of the votes have been reported with Obama in the lead.
Texas had a two tier system of both primary and caucus and announcing Clinton as the winner of the state of Texas based on the result of the primary was as biased as anyone announcing Obama as the winner, only based on the Texas caucus. In fact it is projected that Barack Obama is the winner of combined delegates in the state of Texas and not Hillary, but the media and Clinton Campaign continue to claim that Hillary was the winner.
Those in the democratic party who are intentionally withholding the results of the Texas caucus under the pretense that they are not yet legally obligated to do so, seem to have no respect for the voters in Texas who waited long hours in lines to cast their votes nor have respect for million of Americans who are anxiously waiting for the results. It is obvious that in the age of the computers and internet some are intentionally delaying the results . After all the longer their favorite candidate is the presumed winner of the Texas elections the better publicity for Hillary. A deliberate act that seriously questions the ethics of those in charge of the Texas democratic party who have been trusted with tallying people’s vote.
Such games are in line with the statements by those who claim that they want the voices of the voters in Florida be heard by suggesting that the Florida delegates be seated in the democratic convention for Hillary Clinton, while ignoring the will of so many of Florida democrats who stayed home and did not vote since they were told that their vote did not count. The Florida voter records has shown that unlike many other states the majority of those who voted were republicans and not democrats.
The same ones want Michigan delegates seated for Hillary while Obama’s name was not even on the ballot. On the other Rush Limbaugh and other conservatives have been encouraging republicans to vote for Clinton versus Obama, because they know they will have a much easier chance of defeating Hillary Clinton than Barack Obama in November. But the same republicans who are now voting for Hillary will happily cast their vote for McCain once Obama is out of the picture .
No wonder Hillary Clinton, a democrat keeps repeating that McCain, a republican is more qualified than Obama. This is how she is winking back at republicans that: yes, I agree, TOGETHER we should get rid of this young “skinny black” candidate “with a funny name”. ….and no wonder why Hillary is so much against caucuses because Republicans would not or can not vote for her in a the caucuses held by democrats.
It is a fact that when the Washington establishment see their special interests in danger, they easily cross party lines to gang up against the candidate of change who is threatening their interests. This is not based on a presumption but based on the fact that Clinton has so openly and so many times been choosing McCain over Barack Obama , just as Rush Limbaugh and many republicans have openly done so. That is also why we see Senator McCain keeps attacking Obama and not Clinton. Indeed, the two forces of establishment have united against Obama.
Another farce created, has been the notion that the media have favored Obama which in fact there are so much about Hillary Clinton that have been withheld from the public while every little thing about Obama has been magnified. The media analysts still refer to Obama calling Canadian officials while the government of Canada has officially denied such contact by Obama and is looking in to who among the Canadian conservatives has actually leaked such false information. Most probably someone who received a call from Washington at 3 AM !
The elections of 2008 are in fact a test for all Americans to chose between the united candidates of fear and status quo: McCain and /Clinton or the forces of hope and change lead by Barack Obama.
This is also a test for Barack Obama to chose between his historic calling to stand up for the people and lead the change or abandon its supporters and join a ticket with Clinton or another assigned position. Whatever the outcome, after the choices are made, America forever will be different: for better or worse. Time will tell and soon!