
بوی تبعید

ماه فروردین است: پگه جوشش خاک موسم رستن برگ وخودآرایی دشت، و تمنای ز خود بگسستن در دل جاری رود.   دی خبردار شدم پدرم

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The Knock of Love

In a late afternoon, at a spacious hotel room with a large balcony facing the high rising waves of ‘Coogee Beach’, making surfers looking like

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Flying at your own risk

The purpose of economic sanctions, be it multilateral or unilateral, is basically to to inflict suffering on a target country to force its government or

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Happy Ridvan to all

THIS is the Day in which God’s most excellent favours have been poured out upon men, the Day in which His most mighty grace hath

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What a night!

What a night! JJ, thanks to you and all your friends who helped put together this wonderfully warm event for I – along with

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Iranian nuclear shipment halted

Azerbaijan has halted a Russian shipment of equipment intended for Iran’s Bushehr nuclear power plant, demanding more information for fear of violating United Nations sanctions,

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