

Neeki Majidy Alikhani was born on Monday June 10, 2008 at 08:51am at Alta Bates Hospital in Berkeley, California. She and mom (Maryam) are doing

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کلاس آموزشی برای آقایان

  اهداف تربیتی: جهت تقویت ان بخشی از مغز که از وجودش بی خبرند. واحد اول: دروس پاایه ای  —————– — چطور بدون مادرمان زندگی

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Left to Rot

I had been left to rot by my American Wife in Iran. She had taken my two year old son to visit her mother and

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زبان مهر

ازجفای دی دلم آزرده است. برگها یم در زمستان مرده است. نوگل اقبال من در نو بهار با تمام تازه گی پژمرده است. شاهباز تیزتاز

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Religions revisited

Religions are for the feeble minded. Many young people growing up in a getto, tend to join a local gang that can give them an identity

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Obama, AIPAC and history!

Obama has to realize that he is entrusted with hopes and aspirations of a generation and can not irresponsibly sacrifice all that goodwill and trust

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I am a tree

My name is “Sarv”. I am a tree. I bet you didn’t know trees have names. I am, like you people, someone’s offspring. I do

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A man was walking at night. He stopped at the middle of the narrow wooden bridge to gaze at the surface of shining water flowing

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Silence and Godlessness

There are some who ask: when will the legitimate and respected religious leaders like Grand Ayatollah Sistani end their silence, and challenge the corruption and

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و ترازویی جست

باز در خانۀ من صبح مِه آلود آمد. کسی از نای سحر با من گفت: از شفق تابه فلق راه درازی رفتم و ز هر

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