What If someone (anyone) calling himself a “prophet”, claims to answer only to a higher being. He then forces himself into your city, and in your home. Holds swords to your throat, and demands of you & your family to abandon your own religious belief, and cultural practiced for more then 2000 years. Forget your own language, spoken for centuries. Discard yours and your family’s own names and identities, and replace them with what he dictates you to name, and believe in his newly concocted religion, and speak only his language.

Is that a form of (spiritual and emotional) occupation. You bet it is – Even 1400 years later.

Take the religion of Islam (and to some degree few other religions) for example. Records show that, during its conquest of the entire Middle East, Gulf region, and part of today’s Europe, during the 7th to 11th century. Using their sword, these Bedouins Islamic armies who came from the deserts of Arabia, they destroyed local cultural, existing ancient religions, people’s self identities, and in many countries, their respective languages. After which, all were wiped out, and replaced with religion of Islam, and Arabic language,

In view of these facts. shouldn’t those countries with pre-Islamic glorious past, such as, Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, Iran, Sudan, Somalia, Libya, Kuwait, UAE, etc. be also considered as“occupied land” by fundamentalist Islam? for which, neither their respective inhabitants asked, nor wanted a religion which was forced upon them through mayhem and violence some 1300 years ago and continues to date.

The same story, more or less had occurred throughout Europe, more then 2000 years ago, with the birth and propagation of Christianity.

Let’s consider those terror attacks, and indiscriminate killing of innocent civilians in Madrid, London, Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, New York, Beirut, Baghdad, and elsewhere. perpetrated by Islamist thugs. People in these cities are fearful for their lives, and safety of their families.

Now the question begs. Are Spain, GB, Israel, Lebanon, Iraq, and U.S are under occupation (of fear), by Islamists?. You bet they are.

Lets look further at those Islamic countries (Iran, Sudan, parts of Iraq, Sumalia, and elsewhere), where those backward and brutal Sharia Laws are enforced. People are deprived of their inalienable right for freedom of expression. Women are treated as second citizens with little or no legal protection for their fundamental rights as humans. Forced to hide their own natural human form, under heavy and ugly Burkha (Chador). Are these people hearts and mind are occupied with FEAR?. You bet there are.

One might ask himself. Shouldn’t fear, intimidations and oppression be also considered another form of “occupation” of one’s heart and mind. You bet it is.


Now, lets look at modern history of civilization. During past 400 years, more then 70% of the land mass on earth, is neither owned, nor occupied by its original occupants. Australia, the entire North, Central, and South American continents. Part of Europe, Abu Musa Island in the Gulf, Etc.

Aren’t Australians, Canadians, Americans, Polish, Argentinians, Iranians, and host of other people should be labeled as “occupiers”?. You decide.

Lets focus on the concept of ending the “Occupation”, and restore someone’s right to return to his / her land”. As ballyhoo by the Palestinian leadership, and their Islamist Hamas supporters.

Arab & Islamists keep remind us that, during the 1948 Israeli-Arab war, there were hundreds of thousands of Palestinians, whom were forced out of their land and villages, by what they claim “Jews from Europe”, whom were uninvited and undesired by the local Arabs. Then created their “Zionist” State of Israel on Muslim land. Now (as they profess) it is their “holy duty” to demand their Right of Return, conveniently excused as an Islamic obligation – Return to those now non-existent homes and farms.

As late as 1950’s there were more then 1.2M Jews living throughout the Arab-Islamic states. By the mid 60’s, more then 1.1M of them were forced out of their homes and land. Their properties were confiscated by the local Arab refigures, or looted by their neighbors. As result, most of them were absorbed into Israel. Shouldn’t these Jews be called refugees as well?. Why not?


Every year, millions of same well meaning Muslims (as the Palestinians), also flee their homes and land throughout the Arab & Islamic states. Forced to escape either, unbearable poverty under their corrupt, brutal and oppressive regimes. Or ethnic cleansing of one Islamic faction by another one. Most of these refugees then, force themselves onto the European, Canadian, Australian, U.S. and host of other democratic countries, uninvited, and undesired. Nonetheless they are absorbed at great social and economical cost to these host countries. If we use Muslims own definition of “occupation”, shouldn’t these good Muslims living in France, Germany, Holland, Denmark & Sweden, be also labeled as “occupiers” ?. This is a plausible argument, isn’t it ?.

The interesting point is. After they had settled in, we never hear, nor see these good Muslims, swear Jihad against their Arab & Muslim leaders or groups whom had forced them out of their homes in the first place. Nor do we see them sending their teen aged boys and girls strapped with explosives to blow themselves in the streets of Tripoli, Beirut, Damascus, Cairo, Tehran, Mogadishu, or Khartoum?. Demanding the “Right of Return” to their homes and land. In fact they do everything NOT return to their Arab or Islamic countries where they were born and grew up.

Now lets focus of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which has been lingering since 1948. Particularly highlight the Arab-Islamist ballyhoo cry of “Resistance to Occupation”.


Here is one classic example of Muslim hypocrisy and demagoguery.

Hizbollah, the Lebanese based terrorist group. It proclaims itself as champion to liberate the their country of Lebanon from a non-existent Israeli occupation. YET, for over 29 years, Syria was occupying, oppressing or otherwise sucking the lives out of Hizbollah’s own state. Not only this pathetic group along with it demagogue Nassrallah, had never resisted, or even objected the Syrian occupation. It aided the occupier with its brutal strangulation of this little former jewel of the ME.

How much time and resources do Hamas, Hizbollah, and other Muslim clerics invest to maintain the occupation of virulent hatred of Jews and Christians, instilled in the hearts and mind of millions of young generation. Taught in more then 300,000 Islamic religious schools, to produce Al Qaida, and a like. These forms of occupations are by far, more poignant, insidious, and important then a piece of few square miles (or km) of land.

Elsewhere around the world. For past 70 years, over 130 Million people, from all races, and religions, they have lost their land, their homes. Some had lost more then possessions. They lost their lives. All because of wars. In 1940 over 1.1 Million Jews were living throughout the Arab-Islamic states. Right after the creation of Israel, 99% of these Jews were also pushed out of their homes and land, and made refugees by those Islamic government.

Since then, each and every group, with help from the world communities, has managed to pick up the pieces and quietly, either settled elsewhere, or accepted the new realities and moved on. EXCEPT the Palestinians. Where, 60 years later, they are still confined in refugee camps throughout the Arab & Islamic world, by the same people who profess to be fighting for their rights,

Again, one might ask. Why is it ?


Israel’s enemies keep whining that, “Palestinians have been waiting for 60 years to return to their homes and land, etc.”. What about the right of those Jews, whom had waited for more then 1860 years to return to their land, where they had originated from. A place from which their ancestors were forced out. Not once, but twice. (546 BC & 79 AC). A land where Jews have never given up hope of someday to return to.

Does the destruction of a democratic and sovereign state (of Israel) is the ONLY viable option remain to Israel’s enemies, in order to find a just and fair solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict? Or, is there another insidious hidden agenda from fundamentals Muslims, for which it has little to do with land, and more with occupation of religion intolerance. You bet there is.

The REAL occupiers, are the fiery words of despotic Islamic clerics themselves, who deprive the innocent Muslim populous of their basic human rights. The freedom to express their true feelings and opinions in public. Freedom of assembly, freedom to dissent to authorities actions and policies, without fear of losing their lives. This is the REAL occupation.

Next time when Iranian Mullahs, Hamas and other fundamentalist Muslims cry out loud about “liberation from Israeli occupation”. Or “Palestinians Right Of return”. One should ask them. How much effort themselves make to liberate their own people – women in particular, from the occupation of their own oppressive regime dictated by rigid Islamic Sharia Laws.

Finally Just look at these astonishing figures below, see the magnitude, and real meanings of the word “occupation”.

STATE……………………………. SIZE (sq. km)……..PERCENTAGE
Saudi Arabia………………………….1,960,582……………16.48%
WB & Gaza (Palestine)………………..6,220……………….0.05%




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