I’m a proud mum

Two yrs ago I was really worried about my son. At 16 he left school and wanted to go to college to study art! Ok I thought I’ll go with that but alas, he got fed up with it after a few months and left college too. I was worried that he would drift into a life of nothingness as so many kids his age do here in the UK.

However much to my surprise he decided he wanted to be a hairdresser and found himself an apprenticeship with HOB … its big here I dont know about the US. He has been there 18 months now and struggled with long hours, sometimes 7 days a week and next to nothing pay. He’s shown his dedication and commitment and never fails to get into work on time. He is happy and excited about what hes doing and he is fully qualified in a few months, in half the time it should have taken him.¨Tonight he has told me he is one of the hairdresers for the MOBO awards next week.

Im proud of him because although this wasnt what I ever thought he would end up doing …. I saw him as a legal professional or a famous artist !!! .. he is happy and sucessful in what he has chosen for himself. Not many kids his age have found what he has.

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