With the dramatic downturn in the U.S. economy—and in the economy of the world in general—it is quite a challenge for me to maintain any kind of positive outlook right now . . . and I’m sure that it’s a bit of a challenge for you, too.
This piece was sent to us by our wonderful friend Nadine Bell, courtesy of the famous author and motivational speaker Steven Lane Taylor. I thought it can be helpful for a lot of our readers right now!
Dear Friends,
As I occasionally mention in these weekly messages, I teach what I need to learn. That means that I have become pretty good at living life in the divine flow, but I am not perfect at it. There are still times when I fall into fear, and thus restrict my ability to tune into divine guidance. I don’t stay in that fearful state for long, but I am certainly not immune to it.
With the dramatic downturn in the U.S. economy—and in the economy of the world in general—it is quite a challenge for me to maintain any kind of positive outlook right now . . . and I’m sure that it’s a bit of a challenge for you, too.
So how can we feel secure in such uncertain times? I, for one, make a conscious effort to remember the following: The true origin of my prosperity is not the income I receive from my work. It is not the money I have in the bank. And it is certainly not the investments I have in the stock market. I remember that the ultimate origin of my prosperity is that Infinite Field of Supply that some call Source, and others (including me) call God.
I do believe that we live in an infinitely abundant universe—a universe that is continually responding to our needs through an unlimited number of channels. And those channels are not limited to the financial avenues we are used to.
I’ll never forget a time when I needed an additional $2,500 to pay some unexpected bills. One day, my car was slightly damaged in a shower of cement fragments that fell off an office building that I was parked next to. The damage was very minor—just a few nicks and dings here and there. But because the damage was spread across several panels of the car, the cost of repairs was much more than one would expect. The owner of the building, though, was happy to write me a check for that expense . . . a check that I used to pay my bills instead of repair the car . . . a check for exactly $2,500.
It was that experience, and many others just as amazing, that have repeatedly confirmed for me how incredibly inventive our universe is . . . and how the divine flow can guide us to our good in totally unexpected ways.
In these challenging days, I invite you to regain your sense of peace by letting go of your need to figure everything out by yourself. In your daily time of prayer and meditation, include a moment to affirm the true source of your financial blessings, and open yourself up to divine direction.
Remember that as a beloved child of God you have a divine right to an abundant life. Remember that abundance is not always about money. And remember that the Mind of the Divine can prosper you in ways that you simply can’t predict . . . or even imagine.
© 2008 by Steven Lane Taylor
Author of, Row, Row, Row Your Boat:
A Guide for Living Life in the Divine Flow