Obama owes Howard Dean, big time!

G. W. “moron” Bush was ruling the world back in 2002.  His approval rating was over 60%.  Iraq was was going fantastically and there were less than 800 dead soldiers.  The idea of someone in the national scene raising his voice against Bush the Moron was unthinkable.

But, late 2002, Howard Dean, who has been the head the Democratic National Committee for the past almost 4 years started questioning and challenging Bush the moron.  It was Dean who enabled the quiet as a mouse Democrats to start speaking their mind and challening Bush and the Republicans.  Granted the F’ed up economy is probably the biggest election factor now, but lets remember the good Dean did for the U.S. and for that matter the world.

I wonder if Dean will have a cabinet position if B. Hussein Obama becomes president elect on Nov 5.


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