The Former Crown Prince of Iran congratulates President Elect Barack Obama for his election. Here is the content of the letter.
I am not the Official Spokesman of Reza Pahlavi nor belong to any political group or organization but am submitting this letter for general info and leave the pertinence or not of this letter and its interpretation to the sagacity and personal judgment of the readers.
From Reza Pahlavi’s Official Website
Reza Pahlavi
Friday, November 14th, 2008
Letter The Honorable Barack Obama
President-Elect of the United States of America
Washington, DC
November 5th, 2008
Dear Mr. President-elect,
It is with a great pleasure that I offer you my heartfelt congratulations on your historic election victory.
This is indeed a proud moment not just for America, but for millions of others around the globe who have come to believe in and aspire for the kind of values that have become universally acknowledged as the hallmarks of American society. Your success is a remarkable reminder of the potential for promoting major change through the ballot box in a free and fair electoral process.
Mr. President-Elect,
The prospect for change as promised by you has already aroused a great deal of expectation from people everywhere who are hopeful of emulating your example by constructing societies based on peace, freedom, justice and opportunity.
No where is the desire for such change greater than in my homeland, Iran.
The people of Iran are perhaps amongst the most eager aspirants for the kind of values that have become synonymous with your success in the recent months. Iranians believe ‘that if allowed the opportunity, yes they will’.
It is their hope that with your moral and vocal support, they too can pursue their struggle for the realization of their individual liberties and fundamental freedoms along with the restoration of their pride and dignity as human beings.
Wishing you ever increasing success in all your future endeavors,
Yours sincerely,
Reza Pahlavi