And what’s Santa bringing you for christmas?????

And Im trying to get in the mood. The shops are filled with tinsel, atificial snow, wrapping paraphernalia and gifts, santa’s and grotto’s and the tv has film after christmas film, christmassy adverts and music but … I still haven’t gotten round to even thinking about it! My excuse is .. we just got the wedding over.

So I decided to start on my christmas list … I still believe in FC (english for father christmas = santa claus)!! and I wondered what all you guys are doing for christmas, do you join in the celebrations? And whats on your list?

We dont have a traditional christmas in my house, as with most things ihere, ts a mixture of christmas sort of Iranian style!!! So we have the tree, the turkey but sometimes with berenge. We start off with christmassy music but as we get merry, with the help of a little champers, we get nostalgic and end up with our favourite iranian music from the late 70’s … a bit of Googoosh, Dariush … you know what I mean!!

This year I have my little niece aged 5 and my nephew aged 12 here for their first ever christmas, so I want to make it as magical as possible for them. I’d better get cracking !

By the way my christmas list:

a new cell phone … because I sat on my old one

an airline ticket to US  to see my family there!

Merry christmas all  


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