
Halted Execution

Amnesty International Index: MDE 13/174/2008 09 December 2008 IRAN: Halted execution highlights inherent cruelty of death penalty News that a prisoner was cut down from

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Bridging the Persian Gulf

After months of intense focus on the economy, the recent attack in Mumbai was a sombre reminder that the incoming Obama administration will have to

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تجربهی آشنا

معده‌ی خاصی برای هضم بسیاری از مسائلی که در حول و حوش فدراسیون فوتبال ایران رخ می‌دهند، می‌خواهد. کار هر کسی نیست. به ویژه کسی

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Father of Ballet in Iran

Sarkis Djanbazian was the first ballet master, choreographer, and producer who established a ballet academy in Iran. He was also the first male ballet dancer

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Environmental Art of Ahmad Nadalian

Ahmad Nadalian Ahmad Nadalian is internationally known for his environmental art projects.  His works draw upon a wide range of symbols from ancient rituals and mythologies

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Maliheh Free Clinic

“Profiles In Caring” tells the story of an Iranian immigrant, Dr. Mansoor Emam . He came to the United States to live his dream of

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Reading Kafka at Harvard (6)

Chapter Six (Chapter 1) (Chapter 2) (Chapter 3) (Chapter 4) (Chapter 5) (Chapter 7) “My understanding in the statute reads that we have jurisdiction on

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