Am I dead?

I was dead tired this afternoon and had a long nap. This is the dream I had:

I was somewhere in Iran. I think I was in Tehran, driving around. I think I was being chased, but not very sure. If I was, I was not too worried. I was driving either a car or some other vehicle through streets, back alleys and even sidewalks in a residential area. I felt good, a little anxious, but mostly excited. At one point I entered a wide street, moving in the opposite direction by mistake. I quickly made a u-turn to avoid being hit by oncoming traffic.

I don’t know how or why, but I got into a plane. An Iran Air flight. It was nerve racking. The plane was flying at very low altitude above the city. I felt the plane did not have enough power. At one point it was flying above a street and tilted 90 degrees so that the wings would not hit the buildings.

Eventually the plane landed — in my hometown Abadan and parked right in front of our home, 110 Beraim. I was so thrilled. From the window I could see the building had been beautifully renovated and turned into what seemed like a tourist center. The arches were decorated with wooden panels and glass. I was very excited and I told the other passengers that this was the home I grew up in.

At the exit door, I saw an old man that looked familiar — someone who may have been my parents’ friend when I was a child. I told him I knew him and said hello. I said it was wonderful that our home had been turned into a tourist center. But the man replied that this was not 110 Beraim, but the morgue! I looked out again and the building and the surrounding area still seemed like where I grew up. I was not upset, but a little perplexed. A morgue? Hmm… whatever you say, I thought.

Before getting off the plane, I woke up.

I didn’t feel bad about the dream, just confused about why our house would be a morgue.

Does this mean I’m dead or dying soon or… any dream interpreters out there? There are a few things I would like to do before I leave this world :o)

PS: The above photo was taken in 1999, 22 years after our family left Abadan.

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