If you are old enough to remember this, you probably helped Moses write the Top Ten Rules of the Perpetual Existentialism. 🙂
Believe it or not these guys are still around and the talent is even greater than then. Crank it up and tell me what the heck this song is about. The kids born in 1979 and later are probably scratching their heads and asking “Does this song have something to do with fungi or maybe metalic metomorphises?” 🙂
Notice that the keyboardist (Damion) is still using the Hammond B3 even though he can get the same sounds sampled. Why? Because you will never convince him that sampling is the same. Back in the day when we hauled around two ton organs I used the Hammond M3 instead of the B3 because, though it was one octave shorter on the keys it weighed about 200 lbs. less. I said, “Give the roadies a break.” I used to put two giant Leslies on each side of the stage mic-ed up to the max. LOL Actually, I still have the M3. It is at my parents house like a piece of nostalgic furniture in their dining room collecting dust. I haven’t played since forever. Now I am totally sampled. 🙂