Norooz is fast approaching, or is it Norouz that’s fast approaching?! Wait a minute, now that I think about it there are several ways to spell this word:
Am I missing more? My own preference is for Norooz. It’s easer to remember how to spell it. NO ROOZ, No Booze. Never mind that BOOZE sounds, I mean really SOUNDs like another word that I don’t even want to bring it into this discussion, but I want to say I don’t mean like no booze during Norooz. Of course we’ll have booze in Norooz, or any time of the year we want. I meant I am just saying Norooz sounds and almost spells like No Booze.
Instead take Nowrooz for instance; that one is like Now Booze. It’s like first we didn’t have booze but now we do, like when we go to Iran we don’t have booze, now back here we do.
I don’t like the ones that end with “rouz”. I tried to look up some words that have “ou” somewhere in them, but I couldn’t find one of my dictionaries that alphabetizes words according to what letter they have in the middle. I don’t know what they call it, but anyway I thought of some words myself; round, ground, bound, mound. I’m sure there’re many more. So “rouz” should sound like, wait at minute “should” and “sound” also have “ou” in them. And I just found out that “thought” has “ou” in it, and so does “found” and “out”. It’s confusing.
It’s the same way with “ruz”; let’s see, run, nun, gun, fun. I seem to be stuck with three letter words ending with “n”, but you know what I mean, “u” doesn’t seem to be sounding like “oo”.
Anyway, I’m just thinking before going to bed.