Dr Kazem Jalali, an influential conservative member of Iran’s parliament, the Majlis, and rapporteur of the National Security and Foreign Policy Commission, sees possibilities for
برای این دو روز زندگی اینهمه جنگ و جدل و اینهمه گروه بندیها و طبقه بندی ها و گرفتاریها به نفع چه کسی میتواند باشد.
It’s the joy of buying the shiny Goldfish, coloring the eggs and making the Haft-Seen that ignites the excitement for Norooz within us. And how
From NIPOC – the Network of Iranian-American Professionals of Orange County. (www.nipoc.org) For the third year in a row, Iranian-Americans in Southern California will be
ON Tue March 17, 09 ,We at , Farvardin Cultural Centre organized Charshanbe Soori , the traditional Persian Fire Festival , at Richmond Green in
در در آستانه تعطیلات نوروزی ۸۸ و كمتر از سه ماه مانده به رأیگیری برای ریاست جمهوری اسلامی، صفبندی جناحهای حكومتی دستخوش تغییرات ناگهانی و
پنج و پنجاه بار گِردِ خورشید گشته ام. نمی دانم ماه چند بار گِردِ من گشته است، اما می دانم نیآموختم اعجازِ آفتاب را، رازِ
مهرداد ایاز نوروز 1388 خورشیدی به تمام پدرانی که در دیماه 1346 تصمیم به بچه دار شدن گرفتن به تمام متولدین ماه
در لب مردان، ای دوست کجایی بر رحمت ایزد، کاین راه میابی در راه وطن، بگذر از مشکل پییشن دوری مکن ای دل،
This cautionary tale from Nasir Khosrow exists in many variants. Several versions are available on the internet: search on روزی ز سر سنگ عقابی به
This month, Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, gave his first public comments on the new era of openness and diplomacy. He attacked Obama for
Several ambassadors said they had found Mr. d’Escoto poorly informed at meetings. At the news conference, he denied ever having heard that Mr. Ahmadinejad had
Shortly after Abu Zubaydah was captured, C.I.A. officers briefed the National Security Council’s principals committee, including Vice President Dick Cheney, the national security adviser, Condoleezza
چنین تا بیامد مه فرودین بیاراست گلبرگ روی زمین جهان گشته پر شادی و خواسته در و بام هر برزن آراسته جهان
Facebook has 20 million users worldwide, is worth billions of dollars and, if internet sources are to be believed, was started by the CIA. The
Various people have asked recently, “What are the implications of the global economic crisis for US policies in the Middle East, and will Middle East
As the new administration embarks on imprinting it’s own mark on US foreign policy, teams of experts once again descend upon Washington. Each member eager
…In a recent email to Reporters Without Borders, Mirsayafi spoke about his distress: “I am worried. The problem is not my sentence of two years
آی ستمگران بخود آیید. اینقدر فساد دزدی و ظلم نکنید. خیلی دلم میخواهد سکوت کنم و هیچ نگویم و مثل اکثر مردم بیتفاوت شوم و
VHeadline Venezuela News: President Hugo Chavez has called on the Venezuelan Navy to prepare to take port facilities at the country’s major cargo terminal at
I have made a new website called: “WeekendMadness.com”. NOTE:Iranian.com is way better. Here are the things you can do on my site: 1Become A Member
Maybe you know the song Holly Jolly Christmas (Johnny Marks, 1962) beginning with Have a holly, jolly Christmas It’s the best time of the year
“Religious despotism is most intransigent because a religious despot views his rule as not only his right but his duty.” — Abdolkarim Soroush The French
اميدرضا ميرصيافی، وبلاگنويس و روزنامهنگار صبح امروز در زندان اوين فوت نمود.اين وبلاگ نويس زندانی که از ماه گذشته برای تحمل دو سال و نيم