If You Can’t Beat Them; Just Lie..
It is said; If You Can’t Beat Them; Join them; or in the case of video below: If You Can’t Disagree With Bahai Principles, just
It is said; If You Can’t Beat Them; Join them; or in the case of video below: If You Can’t Disagree With Bahai Principles, just
I know that many feel the same as I do when it comes to relationships. There is a constant struggle and trade offs. The struggle
A few days ago on this site Mr. Hossein Hosseini in his stimulating article seemed to imply that we Iranians have the most know-it-all people!
من مثل آن شاعری هستم که بر خلاف بقیه اصلاً بلبل را خوش آواز نمی دانست و احتمالاً تره جعفری و شنبلیله را هم بر
برابرم چند تن تنها نشسته اند هر کدام در کفشی سبکبار شده اند آنسو کفشی افسون شده چرم دفتر شعری که روزی قیمتی چشمگیر داشت
The king hung you like a crucifix From the neck of my city, Isfahan: With your cathedral and cobblestones With your taverns and goldsmiths And
The Spainsh treat their cities as an extension to their home. They build and design their cities with so much love. This is evident in
هنیه می گوید پرداخت ماهانه یکصد دلار به هر یک از صد هزار کارگر بیکار نوار غزه سه هزار ماهیگیر فلسطینی اختصاص چهل و پنج
از دم درگاه الهی، گویدت باز شو، بشنو ای دوست، و ای پیامبر ز این ره ایمان، بس پژوهش کن، ای رفیق الهی، و
Shahbanou Farah visits Christian Church and dignitaries in Western Azerbaijan Province in Iran for the Easter Holidays. (circa 1975). Christians In Iran, Today:
Several Songs by Iranian Christians and a Report on Christians in Iran. HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE and Particularly our Christian Brothers and Sisters from Iran. Baharan
Yet in examining its options, Israel cannot ensure that an attack would thwart Iran’s nuclear program. The prime minister expressed satisfaction about the preparations for
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 4] Nojoom didn’t return until we were ready to board the bus. Meanwhile other hospital staff hosted us. I was
دیگر حال و حوصله ماشین تازه ام را ندارم. قبل از ازدواج، با یک پیکان مدل 52 مسافر کشی میکردم، کارو بارم تعریفی نداشت ولی
With little notice and even less controversy, marijuana is now available as a medical treatment in California to almost anyone who tells a willing physician
Yeki Bood Yeki Nabood – Tanz – Funny – Comedy – What we need – a bit of tanz, a bit of laughter, from Iran…
ممنون از اقای البرز که دیشب در مشاعره از این شعر استفاده کردنند… و خاطرات تلخ و شیرین گذشته را زنده کرد ند.
غرور چه چیز بدیه چه چیز مادر سگیه میخوای بگی عاشقمی ولی صدات در نمیاد میخوای بگی منو میخوای ولی جونت بالا میاد مگر چقدر
I have known, Mansour Taeed since teenage hood; He had a sharp sense of humour. In a previous clip; at first, unfamiliar with his approach
Former Iranian Minister of Labor Dariush Forouhar and his wife, who were stabbed to death in the same year, were also named as the group’s
If painter Mehdi Qadyanloo has his way, the famous “Down with America” mural at a busy central Tehran intersection could soon be replaced by a
به دنبال درگذشت امید رضا میرصیافی وبلاگ نویس جوانی که در درون زندان درگذشت و گزارشگران بدون مرز احتمال قتل او را مطرح کرده اند
Guardian Council spokesman Abbas-Ali Kadkhodaei on Saturday stated that there is “no legal restraint” on the candidacy of women in the country’s presidential elections. Government
April 25th is just around the corner. And I can’t wait! I am attending the gala. I even have a date. I am flying in all