Bias found in VOA broadcasts to Iran

For the longest time I had been so proud of the personal achievements of my fellow Iranians in all walks of life, from Art, to Technology, Medicine, Science, as well as the number of scholars around the world.  I had always blamed my parents generation for being so corrupt and guilty of cronyism which, in my opinion, contributed  to de-evolution of 1979, only to come across this article which proves how much of a colossal failure we can be if we are left to be in charge of our destiny.I understand that the article is criticizing an American organization and the top management, however, reading between the lines, it is clear that my fellow Iranians just cannot stop their Irani-Bazi, a combination of “party-bazi” (cronyism), chem-o-ham-cheshmi (jealousy), az posht khanjar zadan (back stabbing), roshveh khari (accepting bribes), and posht-e sar harfzadan (spreaing rumors),………

I guess from the time of Abu Moslem who handed Iran to Bani Abbas, we have yet to learn to be patriotic to Iran instead of “Caliphate” by putting the interest of the country before our relatives, and in charge of our own destiny.


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