The following is a review of Baqer Moin’s biography of Khomeini. Moin discusses Khomeini’s anti-Jewish racism.
ELAINE SCIOLINO is the author of the review.
“Still, Moin does capture many things well — for instance, Khomeini’s antipathy to Israel. The Ayatollah’s early writings and sermons have a distinctly anti-Semitic tone, which he muted as he became more of a political leader.”
In the West, they use the term “anti-semitism” for those who hate the Jewish people. A more accurate term for those who hate the Jewish people is “anti-Jewish racism.” The reason is that there are people other than the Jewish people who are semitic such as some Arabs. Therefore, instead of calling Khomeini’s remarks against the Jewish people as “anti-semitic” it would be more accurate to call Khomeini’s remarks as “anti-Jewish racist.”