US Awards Iran Role as Military Partner, Sells Israel Short

Only two weeks ago, Israel’s chief of staff Lt. Gen. Gaby Ashkenazi, then visiting Washington, was denied interviews with US defense secretary Robert Gates and the chairman of the US chiefs of staff Adm. Mike Mullen. He cut short his visit after seeing national security adviser Gen. James Jones and Iran envoy Dennis Ross, lesser lights in terms of their direct influence on President Barack Obama. Since then, the US president has decided the snub was ill-judged. During 2008 and up until his exit from the White House, George W. Bush found Ashkenazi useful for conveying to the former prime minister Ehud Olmert and defense minister Ehud Barak his administration’s strong objections to an Israeli military strike on Iran’s nuclear sites. The US effort to hold Israel’s hand brought Mullen and an array of top US generals calling at the chief of staff’s Tel Aviv headquarters almost every ten days in the last months of 2008.


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