Sean Paiman Samimi completed his undergraduate studied at the Cleveland Institute of Music with Jason Vieaux and John Holmquist. A native of Iran, he started piano studies at the age 9. At age 16 his love for Flamenco guitar and Classical music led him to study classical guitar under the tutelage of Alireza Tafaghodi. After his debut in Tehran in 2000 he moved to the United States in 2001 and continued his guitar studies at CIM. In 2003 and 2006 Mr. Samimi was awarded the Rosalia Ablan Memorial Prize in Guitar. He moved to California to pursue his Master’s degree at the University of Southern California. His mentors include Martha Masters, Brian Head, Marcin Dylla, Grammy award winning members of the Los Angeles Guitar Quartet, Scott Tennant and William Kanengiser as well as Maestro Pepe Romero from the Royal Romero Family.
Although he is an extremely talented guitar performer, it is mostly his musical artistry which draws the public into an intimacy of every tone he plays. It is the incredible range of repertory coupled with a profound understanding of each style that Sean Samimi sparked enthusiasm of audience and critics. His leadership and communication skills have led him to accept an invitation to join PI KAPPA LAMBDA (Music Honor Society).