Keep Your Mouth SHUT!

Keep Your Mouth SHUT!

Both the lips do abut
There are no ifs and but
This is the final cut
For atheist and devout

Don’t be greedy and englut
Rules you should never flout
This is my feeling of gut
Live well in palace or hut

In me, lot of creative input
In poetic form it does jut
I adore the bear king Knut
Marvel at small, little Lilliput

All are superior and not mutt
I love munching on the nut
Voracious writer, lot of output
Love to play golf, short putt

Warm garments made of Qiviut
Life is great, not in rut
They say, “Keep your mouth SHUT”
I kinda do tut tut tut

Let your mouth remain unshut
It may make you leap, vaut
Don’t ask how, where, what
Work hard and you will exult

Eat all – groundnut to yernut
Live life full of fun and zest

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