The Little Mermaid is the story of a young beautiful sea princess who has an exquisite and powerful voice, One day she saves an “earth” prince from drowning. She then realizes that she has fallen desperately in love with the young prince. All she can think about is the handsome prince and how much she would want to be with him. Unfortunately, the princess’ wish to pursue a relationship with her beloved is frustrated due to her inability to walk. Furthermore, her father vehemently forbids any contact with “earth” people. Feeling desperate and alone she turns to sea witch, an evil yet powerful creature. The sea witch takes advantage of Little Mermaid’s vulnerabilities. She asks for Little Mermaid’s voice in return for a pair of legs. Following a period of agonizing confusion and doubts, the young princess agrees to give up her voice and become silent as long as she can be reunited with her prince charming.
The Little Mermaid has touched the hearts of millions of children and adults for decades. It is perceived to be a story about selfless love, beauty, friendship and eternal happiness. However, at a deeper level it captures the essence of struggles facing the majority of young Iranian women in relationship.
Notwithstanding changes in recent years, many girls in our society are still often brought up to be passive, dependent and nurturing. They are taught and expected to sacrifice their own personal needs, goals and well being for the sake of their relationship. Often times they pay a heavy price. In Delara’s case the price was her young life.