Today I learned from my friends in Iran that the seven imprisoned Bahai leaders are under trial in Tehran at this time. Their trial is being held in closed court sessions and their lawyer, Dr. Shirin Ebadi, has not been permitted to meet with any of them, have access to their files, or attend their trial.
CNN reported yesterday: “The seven — six arrested on May 14, 2008, and another arrested in March 2008 — have been charged with espionage for Israel, propaganda against Iran, and “insulting religious sanctities,” an Iranian deputy prosecutor said in February. Now Baha’i officials say families of those imprisoned have been told that the seven may face the charge of “spreading of corruption on Earth,” a count that the group says “carries the threat of death” under Iran’s penal code.”
Considering the severe new charges announced against the seven men and women, I am almost certain the new charges have been made in preparation for their imminent execution.
As I have written before, and as has been evident in many similar cases, inernational pressure on IRI authorities has worked toward release or softer sentences for many persecuted for their beliefs and conscience in Iran. I would like to urge you all to read up on the matter and to do whatever you can to bring this matter to international attention. Please forward articles and news and sign pettitions, write letters and keep active in trying to save these prisoners safe and alive.
A few minutes of your time could quite possibly make a difference between life and death for Bahai leaders in Iran.
Please read CNN’s report “Baha’is say jailed leaders in Iran face harsh new accusation.”
Human Rights Watch: “Iran: Free Baha’i Leaders.”
International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran: “Baha’i Leaders Remain Unjustly Detained After One Year.”