Please refer to this LINK to see LARGE Image.
Chickens could be coming to roost in a backyard near you.
Across the
country and the metropolitan area, people are joining the national
urban chicken movement, sometimes turning outlaw to raise the birds.
A far more interesting measure of where we are in the business cycle
comes from one of the Fed’s own economic measurements. This Fed
statistic measures industrial capacity and industrial utilization for
the US. Not all statistics are created equal, many can be cooked and
spun with surprising ease. However, a few measures cut to the chase
like industrial output and capacity.
Total industrial production is everything the home of the brave is
making. Consumer goods, business goods, raw materials like oil and
natural gas, and power created by utilities. Take a look at this chart:
Five Economic Storms Raging NOW!
by Martin D. Weiss, Ph.D. 05-11-09