Add yours!
“100 days in 1001 nights”
“The Saberi Diet: 100 days to a slightly jittery but overall skinnier New You!”
“I am Hillary’s BFF!”
“The Men of Evin: 2009-2010 Calendar”
“Guide to the Hidden Winemaking region of Northern Tehran”
“Zagat (Zereshk?) Travelers Guide through Iran’s Judicial System”
“Man Jasoos Nistam: Farsi for Tourists”
“Perversopolis: A Graphic Novel”
“The Interrogator”
“Quantum of Solitary Confinement”
And there could be a new album:
“Stars and Stripes”
“Jailhouse Rock”
“Iran, so far away”
“Men without Turbans [Turn me on]”
“Somebody Bring me some water”
“Back in the USSA!”