Obama Or Nobama

This is the time that the Western world should side by the Iranian
people and call this election a sham, scam and corrupt. The state department
has kept it so quite like a rat hiding in a hole because they also fear from
Ahmadinejad. The passive role that Obama administration has taken on this is disgusting
and he is going to regret it like his predecessor Jimmy carter.


Obama just ask your coward predecessor Carter about his take
on Iran?


I demand that the Obama administration calls this election
process in Iran
illegal, corrupt and invalid. Your passive stance will set Iran back another 30 years and stop the
democracy in Iran.
Now is the time to side with the people and the democratic movement.


The people just need the support and the support of Iran. We need
to do it together and call for change.


The Iranian special interest group in Washington must be shut down as well as all
the Iranian embassies around the world.


Ahmadinejad should be banned from every nation and UN for
his illegitimacy of the election and the fact that he abused the system.


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