
Twitter Revolution

The twitter account I had neglected for so long came to good use since the fraudulent election results on Friday.  I found out that when

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Iran Fails Again

From shopkeepers to restaurant waiters, one and all seemed to deplore the ukases of mullahs and basijis and kleptocrats. Yet they have ultimately allowed the

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Like attract like

North Korea’s Kim Jong Il congratulated Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on his “election victory” in Iran, as did Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez, Hamas, and Hezbollah. Syria’s Bashar Assad is bound

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مرغ جانم را گسستن آرزوست گرچه ناهموار راهش پیش روست قهرمان جمله چالشهاست او افت و خیز راهش او را آبروست ذره در ذره تمام

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Bullets can’t swim

“The night has fallen, our faces haunted with gloom. We chant forgotten words. In the name of pain.” In the name of the democracy that

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Iran Sings!

Apologies in advance if this comes off glib. It’s the only way I can cope with all of this. Think of it as video Tourettes.

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Interesting parallelism

Country: Theme, Year Georgia: Rose, 2003 Ukraine: Orange, 2004 Serbia: Bulldozer, 2000 Kyrgyzstan: Tulip, 2005 Belarus: Blue Jeans, 2006 Common Scenario: (1) Use new media

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Talking to Ahmadinejad

So what’s the hard part? The fact that the United States is going to have to talk with the regime of President Ahmadinejad. And not

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