Excerpts from Encyclopedia Skeptica:

Baseej: Scientific name homo troglodytes. A domesticated animal trained to attack anything green.

Noon Khamenei: A pastry in the shape of a ballot box, stuffed with imitation whipped cream.

Evin Prison: An educational institution where Iran gathers its top intellectuals.

Tehran University: A correctional facility where Iran imprisons its best young minds.

Flag: A badly designed ship sail, which flails wildly on the mast when the wind blows, but never propels the ship anywhere.

Shir O Khorshid: A carnivore active during sunrise with an opposable thumb on the right front paw capable of gripping objects such as sticks and swords.

Allah: A mathematical symbol denoting a kind of zero that isn’t even useful as a number.

Democracy: In the toilet of politics, this is a system of government akin to a public facility.

Dictatorship: A system of government where only one person has the right to use the toilet.

Monarchy: A dictatorship where the future rights to the toilet belongs to the son of the current rights holder.

Constitutional monarchy: A system of government where the monarch lets the public use his toilet.

Patriotism: A medical condition where the patient is emotionally unable to distinguish between one countryman and another.

Factionalism: A medical condition where the patient views every countryman who disagrees with him as a foreigner.

Freedom: A state of affairs where there’s only oneself to blame.


The above is total nonsense.

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