Iranians demonstrate in Washington to mark anniversary of student uprising

Updated: Friday, July 10, 2009


Washington, 10 July (WashingtonTV)—Shouting slogans, giving the victory sign and carrying placards and banners, over 200 people demonstrated in Washington DC on Thursday evening, displaying solidarity with demonstrators in Iran on the occasion of the anniversary of the deadly student uprising there ten years ago.

The protestors, who gathered at Freedom Plaza in the downtown Washington, denounced the “mullahcracy” and recent crackdowns on demonstrators in Iran, and called for an end to dictatorship, the freedom of prisoners, and for human rights.

Many demonstrators were wearing green wristbands or shirts and scarves, which was the color of the election campaign of pro-reform candidate Mir Hossein Mousavi in the 12 June presidential election. Some wore black to mourn for people who had lost their lives in the violent post-election confrontations between protestors and riot police in Iran.

Young women were prominent among lead slogan-chanters, which included the call for the fulfillment of women’s rights in Iran. Among the slogans chanted in Persian were the following:

“The cry of all Iranians is freedom, freedom”; “Freedom of thought cannot take place under a dictatorship”; “Iranians will die – they will not accept suppression” and “Iranian prisoners must be released”.

Slogans chanted in Engl… >>>

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