Is it in Vain?

From the very beginning I had a perturbed feeling about last month protest in Iran. I tried many times to convince myself that this is the “Human Rights” movement and that people are tired of this regime. But then I noticed that Iranians in Iran are once again making a monumental God out of someone who doesn’t have a very clean report card. I don’t understand Mousavi, Khatami and worst of all Rafsanjani are NOT freedom fighters and definitely are far from the idea of democratic Iran. They are as they call themselves (the Founders of the Islamic Revolution and Republic). Hey am I am making a mistake? Or are these people deaf or blind?

I heard that Mousavi was a Tudeh ee pre revolution, is this true or not? And somehow found his way into Khomeini’s heart and became vise president for eight years. He was the one that by orchestrating the reconstruction of the education system closed the universities and killed thousands of students. Is this true or not? He is the one that by creating coupons for everything let the mullahs’ pocket millions of dollars. I don’t know but is this true or not?

“Khatami is a decent man” so they say. My question is this; compare to whom? Yes he is nicer than most of these Akhoonds but he is still is Akhoond. Besides, all the chain murders (ghatlhayeh zangireh ee) happened during his reign. Am I right? And after eight years he didn’t or he couldn’t (I don’t know which) do a damn thing for Iran and all those poor young hopeful kids. Oh yes I forgot, during his reign, girls could show their colored toenails and of course wear tight clothes. Wow indeed that is a lot of freedom.

Rafsanjani….hum….do I have to say it? Ok one word only…MILIIONS if not Billions.

Now my question is this? Why people jeopardize and risk their innocent, hopeful poor little lives for these monsters? Is it bad against the worse? Is it because they are drowning in despair and trying to hang to a twig to be saved?

They all are from the same system, the system of dim-witted, polluted and brutal infamous Akhoond genes.

Why instead of chanting “Zendeh Baad Iran” the marchers cry “Alaho Akbar”? Am I missing something in here? Why they sing “Doost Dabestani man” instead of “Ey Iran”? Is this the socialist movement organized by an outside benefactor, let say Russia? Are we pushing Iran towards Communism?

Since last month I’ve been seeing and hearing appalling scenes and news. My heart goes for those brave Iranian kids who are dying for a piece of freedom. I cry and I pray for them, but most of all my heart cries when my mind comments “I hope their blood isn’t shed in vain”

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