Going off the air

Due to other commitments I am going to take a break from blogging here (There may again be special situations where I may feel the need to step back in) , but for now this is the only way I can focus on other responsibilities.

I should gladly say that the circumstances of my leave is much different than last and I must congratulate Mr. Jahanshah Javid for making fundamental changes in the administration and technology of the site which in my view has improved the quality as well as the participation of the site.

It has been a pleasure, honor and great education to be in the company of so many fine people of different views and backgrounds.

I am looking forward to the day when we all celebrate the new beginning of an Iran away from intolerance, corruption, injustice and oppression where everyone is respected and treated equally, where no one person, group or religion has supremacy over another.

A free, independent, peaceful, friendly, democratic and secular Iran for ALL Iranians, in accordance with the internationally acknowledged human rights principles. I believe these are fundamental, common and desired principles of all humanity, regardless of race, color, religion, gender, preference and age, which makes our varieties even more fascinating.

I always have said if God wanted us to belief and act the same , s/he would have created us that way. After all : Earth has no sides.


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