The Formula to Victory

Do’s and Don’ts for Iranian Opposition.

Don’t forget the war against IRI is a marathon.

Don’t conveniently conclude there is nothing we can do.

Don’t assume the Islamic Republic will go away by the following:

1-Cries of foul.

2-Poetry and Shoars.

3-Education alone. Education must go on – but we must stop focusing so much on the past. There are people who are right-now revisiting 28 Mordad for the 100th time – while Iranian youth are counting on us for some sort of much overdue jolt .

Therefore, for anyone engaged in any of the above, they would be frustrating our resources.

Don’t think too highly of yourself to engage in “monologues” or even “dialogues” on opposition airways. With the exception of Meybodi (because of his Erfan), the rest of the current group, especially the news crowds must be replaced with much younger assembly. 


Do get organized. Best way to organize Iranians is to create “Open-Lines” of communications. Build the Pyramid of organization from the base . That means do create a new organization, but don’t form the top of the pyramid in the first stages. Do build the base of the organization – say with 10,000 members all with equal say – and then let the 10,000 build upwards amongst themselves and anyone else who joins them at the base. Again the best and a proven way to do this is via an “Open Line”. Something like this forum but in a much higher scale. It will take time – but with good planning, good resources, and focused implementation it can be done in 1 year. The ideological foundation for this organization must be set in advanced and set simple. Be secular and believe in a democratic parliament to run the future affairs based on the articles of human rights. That automatically means you are against the theocracy in it’s entirety. After setting this foundation there must be no more discussions about the type of future government in Iran.

Do help those inside get strong and armed.

Do help those inside to get connected to the outside world.

And, Do get help. The whole world is about helping one another. Not that we do need any help right now, but we will and must use all resources available to us, whenever we need it. Many, many of our opposition spend much time and effort to prove to the world how Iranians are mistreated by the Islamic Republic, yet the very same people tell the world not to meddle in Iran’s internal affairs!!! I think some of this may even be by design and infiltration of our enemies.

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