Iranian minorities in Iran (aghaliathaye mazhabiye aziz)

Sometimes we Muslims who live in the USA (or Europe) take things for granted. We live in comfort and except for a few people who discriminate against us it’s generally good. This, United States is a good nation. Sometimes I think what would happen if this country suddenly becomes a “Religious Republic”?

If that happened, most probably religious minorities here would get the “short end of the stick” and most probably be severly discriminated against. As it is, many ‘religious’ authorities here have already gone astrey from the path and most probably create a very uncomfortable situation for other religious minorities.

Sometimes I feel real sad for Iranian religious minorites because I know that in their country, Iran, many of them don’t feel comfortable. I am sure that is why many wished that they could leave, if they managed it.

I am an Iranian Muslem, just like my mother and father. Last time that I visited Iran, when I was talking to my mother, she said that she buys most of her purchases from minority owned businesses. In my mind I admired her action and asked her why?

She said that there is too much non-sense talk against these poor people and I want to help their business. She said that “That’s what our Prophet Muhammand and Ali would want, and that’s what I am going to do!”. As for my father, one of his most favourite resturants in Tehran is also a minority owned business.

I suggest to all Muslem Iranians who read this and have family or friends in Iran to also help and support the minority owned businesses in Iran. That is the least we can do as honorable Muslems.

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