Is it just me or is there a certain degree of hypocrisy displayed by the Islamist crowd on this site when it comes to the evils of imperialism? Have you noticed the in the opinion of these friends imperialism is only bad in its western version. Islamic (or Islamist) imperialism is just fine. A military industrial complex is bad, but only if it is located in the west, but an Iran that is ruled by a gun toting military industrial complex is not only good, it is a source of pride. Building missiles is bad if it is done by America, but when Iran builds (actually, more like copies 1950’s North Korean technology), it’s a sign of progress and pride. Hegemony is bad, but only if it is American hegemony (they are all Noam Chomsky fans). Islamo-Iranian hegemony is, of course, applauded and, again, is a source of pride. Having proxies in different parts of the world who do your dirty work is bad if it is done by America, but doing the same in Iraq, South Lebanon, Afghanistan and even Africa, by the IRI is a source of pride (and as one commentator put it is a “feather in IRI’s hat”). Racism is bad in its western form, but Islamo / Arab-racism is good, and, to that end, I dare anyone to find a single comment or piece written by the regular Islamists on this site that criticizes the genocide in Darfur at the hand of the Arabo supremacist Sudanese government.
So, why is this overabundance of hypocrisy? I don’t know. Perhaps it’s in our nature as Iranians. After all, we are never wrong, and we know everything. But I think it goes beyond that. I think that it’s a desperate attempt by these lost souls to grab on to anything that may justify the atrocities that are committed by the sinking ship that is the IRI. It is also a function of their huge “oghdeyeh morakab” (as we call it in Persian) about the west. Further, they know that the IRI has set Iran back decades in all respects and they want to make themselves happy and also to put on the best face for their beloved regime. Lastly, it’s another desperate attempt to justify the mess that was made back in 1979 by the still surviving ex-leftist turned pseudo Islamo-Patriots.