To the Muslim readers and lurkers of Iranian.Com

Dear Muslim readers and lurkers on Iranian.Com:


It has been brought to my attention that the deliberate Islamophobic anti-Islamic slant and rhetoric being promoted by some members of this site, without the listowner or moderators doing anything about it (and even siding with the Islamophobe rhetoricians, which goes to complicity) could potentially become legally actionable, especially since in several recent incidents  specific individuals here have been targetted. 

In Canada the attempts to marginalize individuals based on their confessional adherence could be phrased into the legal rubric of a “hate-crime.” As there are Baha’is here who are deliberately stoking such fires of Islamophobia, while disengenuously then attempting to claim persecution in Iran by Muslims, I suggest you take the issue seriously and consult appropriate Muslim or Mid East Anti-Defamation groups in your area.



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