Major 9/11 Breakthrough in Japan, Spectacular Support for Yukihisa Fujita

Yukihisa Fujita, a member of the Upper House of the Japanese Parliament has recently published a book titled:

“Questioning 9/11 in Japan’s Parliament – Can Obama Change the USA?”

Co-authors of book are David Ray Griffin, Yumi Kikuchi, Akira Dojimaru and Chihaya.

Councilor Fujita is a current member and former director of the Committee on Foreign Affairs and Defense. In this function he questioned 9/11 three times in parliament. Fujita claims that 9/11, as the main reason for the “War on Terror,” needs to be newly investigated in order to find peaceful solutions.

On April 8 there was a formal reception on the occasion of the publishing of Mr. Fujita’s book at the Tokyo Dome Hotel.


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