Poetry: This Tempting Trap

For the “Writing Love” series.


One hot summer day, to be precise,

Under the constellation of Dove

On Friday the thirteenth of August,

In the afternoon, I fell in love.


I fell into love, to be precise

It was a trap, a charming design

I saw friendship bird fly over it

Heard love trap throw it a jealous line


“Why are you? I’ve been here for years,

Helping people break their boredom gears

The bird said, “To give a smile to those

Eyes in which you leave sorrow and tears.”


Saved by friendship bird one winter grey

I fell ino love again on the same day

My eyes turned full of sorrow and tears

And I’ll tell you why I did stray.


“Crever pour crever, je préfère crever

de passion que de crever d’ennui” (*)

I’d rather die of love and passion

than be bored to death in some fashion.


(*) The quotation is attributed to Emile Zola

©2009, Azadeh Azad

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