Will Israel Attack Iran This Year?

The other day I talked to a Senate aide who told me that AIPAC has been pushing hard for a tough line on Iran (new sanctions) and for a deadline on diplomacy. It is cool with talking to Tehran but only as a prelude for something more definitive. His exact words; “For AIPAC, it’s all Iran, all the time. I don’t think they have come in about any other issue for a year or two.”

So, while we are all focusing on health care, they are lining up Congressional Democrats to put pressure on Obama to let Israel do whatever it wants to do.

If past is prologue, AIPAC will succeed. With few exceptions, the Congressional leadership in both parties do what the lobby wants them to do. If the lobby decides to push for war, you can count on your favorite liberals to line up behind the policy (just like they did with Gaza).

Bottom line. We better start paying attention.

If we don’t, we could have a third Middle East war in our hand, with the entire Muslim world arrayed against us. Just what we need.


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